Chapter 3 ✔

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My life was getting more and more interesting with each passing day – a contrast to the seemingly mind-numbing one I was used to before I decided to get my plan into action. To say I was overwhelmed was an understatement. It seemed that when I determined to move forward, everything and everyone in my life fumbled into motion – a shift I wasn't sure I was ready even if I convinced myself otherwise.

"Andy, if you are not my best friend, I will definitely bitch slaps you right now. You do know that you sound crazy and desperate right?" as Alden, my eccentric friend raised his brows with pursed lips and waved his hands in front of me to put some dramatic effects  into what he was saying. That earned some curious glances from the people nearby.

Mia, he, and I were eating in a fine restaurant across the building of the publishing house, Wednesday during our lunch break catching ups with each other. They were out of town last week as Alden Forrester, the photographer and Mia Roy, the art director, worked on a certain project so they really missed my sudden decision about having a baby.

Of course, that was shocking news for them but when I told them about the artificial insemination, their jaws literally dropped to the floor. I chuckled at seeing their reactions but composed myself when they narrowed their eyes at me.

"You suddenly wanted to change your status? You wanted to transition from singleness to motherhood without experiencing those in between?" Mia asked me incredulously.

I sighed and rolled my eyes at her. They were really making a big deal out of this. And what's really to experience in between though?

"Yeah, I guess her status in Facebook will be 'complicated' now seeing as she's not either 'in a relationship' or 'married'," as Alden rolled his eyes at me and waved his fork in the air for a dramatic effect.

"Okay so what's the big deal about this? You two clearly knew what my situation is," while looking at their faces consecutively.

Well, I must admit, it's definitely big when I think about its implications.

"Here's the deal Andy and I hope it will pierce through your stubborn head. Making a decision like that means embracing the responsibilities and the implications it entails in your life. Are you really that sure I mean, physically, mentally, emotionally, and even financially kind of sure? Are you prepared to undergo the different procedures and tests to be pregnant? Are you ready to walk around with a baby bump? Are you ready for the painful labour? Are you ready for the sleepless nights in taking care of a baby? Or are you ready to be a single mom?"

I paused at that. Wow. Okay, that was a lot of questions from Alden.

"I...umm...," I stuttered as I assessed my thoughts and feelings about the situation.

I knew my decision was hasty because of the sudden urge or impulse from what happened last week but it's only now that I was seeing it in a different perspective and light.

"So?" Mia urged me while waiting for my answer.

"I haven't really thought about the whole motherhood thing to be honest. All I knew is that I wanted and needed a baby as soon as I can," I told them candidly.

"Motherhood is not a thing to be taken lightly once you enter it Andy."

"Why do I have a feeling AL that you wanted to enter the motherhood club also?" slightly amused at him.

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