When Can I Return?

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Before I knew it my world taken from me. The very thing that brought my world light, cracked and fell from the sky. Now, only to be sitting in darkness with no way out. Clutching my chest again, I sat on my old bed thinking about how lonely this house is. My heart pounded, and I tossed back and forth on my bed. Sweat dripped from my face and panting, again that same dream haunting me. Only it wasn't a dream, waking up and realizing the reality that we were apart and it seemed that I could not be the knight she needed. I am but a fragile peasant cast from her castle.

"Yuzu.." her name only came out as a whisper, wishing I would get a reply. My phone and my possessions taken away from me. I had no way to contact her to tell her how I was. Really how was I? Could I even be honest with her? I did what I thought was best for us. It got turned into something larger...much larger than we expected. I was just trying to protect her. That's when I really snapped.

"Yuzu!" I cried out this time, now hunched over the edge of my bed. Fuck...I couldn't protect her, not then and not now. Whatever composure I had was long gone, since I could no longer see those golden locks that irritated me and yet always managed to bring me peace. There has to be something I can do to fix this, to fix us, to fix our family. With Yuzu and mother I felt like I finally had a home to come back to.

It wasn't like me to wallow, to sit here and pity myself. I sat up and wiped my face. Yuzu wouldn't want to see me like this, I need a plan. I sat against my bed thinking of anything that could fix this. Looking down my notebook a scratch through another plan.

"Ughh..I'm getting a headache. Yuzu...I miss you".


Another pathetic day at school, another day without Mei. It was torture. Harumin tried her best to cheer me up.

"Yo, Yuzu-chii!" Her head tilted throwing the peace sign, with a bright smile. She knew about what happened. Everyone did. She never pried, even behind her smiles I knew she had questions for me.

"Good Morning Harumin" I said flatly, Mei consuming all my thoughts. It wasn't anything different than normal. Mami-san enjoyed my suffering from afar. Well, she got what she wanted. I sighed heavily, as I placed my head on my desk.

"Seriously, you need to get out of this funk! I can't stand seeing you like this." Something was in Harumin's voice. I looked up to her slowly.

"I just...I" I was struck by upset Harumin was. She looked as if she would break down at any moment. This wasn't like her. Had she been this worried and I was too focused on myself.

"Whatever you are going through, I am here for you." She said grabbing my hand.

"I can be whatever you need" Her words were kind, but I knew she couldn't get Mei back. No one could. Harumin stroked my palm. I never noticed how pretty Harumin was up close until now. My cheeks reddened slightly and at that moment Harumin pulled away quickly.

"Hahaa.. Yuzuchii..you have no clue.. do you?" She said shaking her head then going back to her own seat. I didn't understand what she meant by that. All I knew was, I needed to find a way to get Mei back at home with mom and me.


Another day over in a blur. My grades began slipping. I thought to myself if Mei were home I would get scolded for such behavior.

Beep, Beep, Beep.

I got a text! Could it be Mei?!? I was so nervous.

Private number??




At the bottom of the text was a picture of Harumin and I. Her face was close to mine. ...AHhh.. This isn't what it looked like!!

"Don't worry, Mei-san will see this too. ;)"

NOoo! This isn't what it looks like at all!! She can't see this. My heart raced. Who could have sent this text?

My body froze.


Thoughts of her made my insides churn with disgust. Why would she bother? Didn't she get what she wanted? I didn't have Mei anymore. What more?

I laid awake on my bed. There must be something I can do to stop this! She already ruined Mei's reputation and the schools.



Hmm? Who is calling me?


That voice.


Mei! I opened my eyes.

"How did you come back? Weren't you trapped?" I said, still in shock she was here.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Was this real? It couldn't be! Before I could say anything, her lips feverishly attacked mine. I was in a haze. If this was another dream, I didn't want to wake up from it. She pulled away. My faced flushed and stared in shock.

"H-how?" I mouthed, unable to speak. Tears welled up in my eyes. It had been so long.

"It doesn't matter how. I am back, with you. That's the only thing that matters" Her tone was sharp and serious.

Wait... it makes perfect sense. She saw the picture of us.

"No, Mei. You don't understand. I wasn't cheat-" My mouth taken again by her lips. This time I was pushed against our bed. Her hands ran over every inch of my body making me squirm in anticipation. Right when I thought she was going to go further she stopped.

"I know, but no one will make a fool out of me." Her eyes were dark. I couldn't tell if her eyes were full of hatred or lust. I had a feeling I was going to find out.

Together, Now What?( Lesbian Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz