Finally Lovers

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I'm pretty sure this is the last chapter for this story, but who knows I may decide to pick it back up later. Thank you everyone who reads this, it was a pleasure writing this story! 


The day started off like any other. I managed to make some toast, I couldn't always rely on Yuzu for food. Though I'm not afraid to admit I can't cook to save my life. In mid thought I heard someone come through the front door.

"Mei, I'm home." Yuzu said.

She's home already? I expected her later. It was the afternoon, usually she would stay longer with Harumin. I finished my toast quickly, I walked over to greet Yuzu. It felt awkward.

Her smile was wide, but something seemed off. She looked like she didn't get much sleep.

"Hey." She said while taking her shoes off by the door.

"Hi" I said fidgeting with my skirt. "Welcome home" I added.

We made it through until the evening without things being too awkward, but still something seemed off. I couldn't quite place it. For the most part Yuzu seemed like her usual clumsy self. So, what was it? Did she regret what she told me last night in that text? Did she regret being with me? Yes, things are really complicated now.

I soaked in the tub thinking about everything processing it all. Yuzu had quickly showered already without telling me. I traced the side of our white porcelain tub and let the warmth of the water numb my skin. Sometimes I really just don't understand her. How? We have come so far yet, times like these I feel we are backtracking. I finished my bath and decided I would say something to her, to give her one last time to say she didn't want this. Maybe I was overreacting, but I had to know.

"Yuzu" I said firmly. My voice much harsher than I intended.

"Mei?" She stopped flipping through a fashion magazine she had on the bed.

I sat down next to her only wearing my towel. Maybe this wasn't the best time after all.

"Never mind.. forget it." I said walking away from the bed suddenly feeling vulnerable.

"Wait, Mei. What is it?" Grabbing my hand and pulling me back on the bed next to her. Her hand was shaking but she didn't let go.

"Um.." I was at a loss for words. This should be simple right? Why was I making a fuss over something like this. Just say it!

"What?" She caressed my hard, drawing small circles. Staring into her gaze I realized it was silly for me to think she regretted anything. If she didn't care she wouldn't be acting like this. She may fumble over everything but she was always pretty honest when it came to her feelings.

"Ah, nothing really." My tone softened. I put my other hand over hers. It was only then that her cheeks brightened. Really now? With me being in a towel this entire time? She blushes over this.

I chuckled.

"What's so funny?" She said, her face getting redder by the minute. When I explained, she let go of my hands a mumbled how I should get dressed.

"Maybe I don't want to."

"What?!" Yuzu confused and embarrassed.

"Do you really want me to get dressed?" I let the towel fall to the floor. She was the only one I ever wanted to see me like this.

"Mei?!?" Yuzu exclaimed. She looked away only for a moment then, sat in utter shock.

"I want you." I said demandingly. She was practically drooling.

"Okay..." She said as I laid on our bed and pulled her to me. She was nervous, so was I. I know this was something we both wanted.

"It's okay Yuzu, I'm nervous too." I brought her hand to my chest and she began to rub my breast softly.

The events of that night I'd rather keep to myself.

I knew there were more obstacles to come, by marriage we were sisters, but in our hearts we were lovers and no one could ever change that.

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