Chapter 34, A Small Fight.

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--Heey guys! I hope you enjoy the long awaited chapter. (It is actually like, nearly 1,100 words xD) and I just have a quick reminder, there are only a few chapters left, and a surprise in store, so watch this space. Leave me feedback, I loveeeeee reading it <3. Love you xxx--

Anthony's Pov.

Alex and I played GTA 5 for a little while longer, before Alex got tired. She nearly fell asleep playing. Well driving around. I smiled, and grabbed a blanket. "Just sleep on the couch tonight," I whispered. "It's fine with us." Alex nodded, pulling the blanket up over her. Dasha was down by her feet. "Goodnight Alex," I said, before turning out the light. I wondered where Ian had got too. I saw that the Computer room door was closed, and Ariana wasn't in her crib. I opened the door to revel Ian asleep at the computer, with Ariana sleeping in her stroller. I shook Ian awake. "Babe, come to bed." I said, grabbing the handle of Ariana's stroller, wheeling it into her room. I picked her up, and she started crying a little. I changed her diaper, feed her and burped her, before I put her in the crib. I left her nightlight on, and left the room. Ian hadn't moved. "Ian," I said. "Come to bed." Ian groaned, and didn't say anything to me. "Ian." I said again, shaking him. "What Anthony?" He snarled. "I said come to bed." "Why should I listen to you? You had a pretty good time with Alex out there. I'm surprised she isn't staying over." Ian said, getting up from the computer room, walking into the room. "But she's asleep on the couch." I said, following Ian. "Then why don't you go and be with her? She seems to be pretty involved!" Ian semi-yelled. "Ian, you know I only love you—" "Then why are you suddenly hanging out with Alex, Anthony? I knew this would happen. Look what happened with Jackie. I don't even want to speak to you right now. So, I'm sleeping somewhere else." Ian said, grabbing his keys, and wallet. "I'm taking Ariana too. Since, I did look after her last night, while you were with Alex." I stood there, with a shocked expression. I heard the garage door close, and a car drive off.

In the morning, I was tired. I stayed up most of the night, calling Ian. He'd taken Ariana, along with her stroller, and some clothes, along with some supplies. I don't know where he's gone. "Morning Anthony," Alex said coming in with Dasha. "Where's Ian?" "I don't know," I said, wiping the tears. "He left last night with Ariana." Alex gasped. "What? Why?" "We had a huge argument over how I wasn't spending as much time with him, since Ariana came." Alex came and sat next to me. "I'm sorry I'm such a burden." "Alex," I said. "Don't ever think that. It's just Ian overreacting again. Like he always does." I said, smiling. "I just get the feeling, that Ian hates me. Because, I've taken a liking to you, more than him. Like, I've hung out with you more, than I have Ian." Alex said. "I'm not trying to mess with yours and Ian's relationship. I just wanted some friends." She wiped her tears, falling. "Alex," I said, giving her a hug. "It's okay." "No it's not Anthony! I've ruined your relationship with Ian, and I ship you guys so much." I tighten the hug on Alex, even though, she was crying. When we broke from the hug, I wiped her tears off her face. "Now, let's go and find Ian, okay?" I asked, and Alex nodded. She got up and grabbed her phone and wallet. I quickly got changed and grabbed my phone and wallet. I walked out and Alex was waiting. "Let's go over to yours, and  you can get changed. Okay?" She nodded, and we drove next door to her house.

After an hour of looking, Ian finally called me back. He sounded like he'd been crying. The thought of Ian crying, made me want to cry myself. "Ian?" I said, into the phone. "Where are you?" "I'm at a hotel." He said, quietly. "Is Ariana alright?" I asked. "Yeah," He said. "She's sleeping in her stroller." "Can we come see her?" I asked. "And who is this 'we' you speak of?" He asked. It sounded like he was making something. Like food. "Alex and I," I said. The phone went dead quiet. "Look Ian. Alex is sorry she's taking over me, and she's really sorry that she pulled me away from you. She said, she was going to include you in the things we do. As a matter of fact, we were thinking of taking Ariana shopping tomorrow." I said, hoping Ian would come. "Where are you now?" Ian asked. "Alex and I are at our house. We were waiting for you to come home." I said. "Well, I'm coming now. See you soon." Ian said, before hanging up. "Ian, wait." I said into the phone. "Yes?" "I love you." I said. "I love you too. I'll see you soon babe." I said a sweet 'yes' and he hung up.

An hour later, I heard the garage door open, and a car drive in. I waited in the kitchen, pouring some orange juice. Ian came in wheeling Ariana's stroller inside. He parked her stroller in the middle of the living room, and came into the kitchen. I turned around and he hugged me tight. "I'm sorry Anthony," He said. "I shouldn't have blown this out of proportion. I shouldn't have moaned that Alex has been here for a while, I mean, she is your friend and everything, but I just feel like you and I haven't been spending much time together since Ariana came along. I just miss us, you know?" I nodded, hugging him tighter. "Ian," I said. "I promise, tomorrow night, I'll spend the whole day and night with you, just to make you happy, and to catch up on our time together. I'll get Alex to babysit Ariana, then you and me, will go out and spend the day together. Okay?" I said. Ian nodded, confirming it with a kiss.

"I love you Anthony, I love you so much." Ian whispered. "I love you too baby, I love you too much to lose you." I said, kissing him softly again.

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