Chapter 8, Ian's Feelings Reveled.

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Ian's Pov.

I woke up to the sun shining into my room, I sat up and yawned. I got up out of my bed and walked into the hallway to the bathroom. I shut the door and locked it, so Anthony didn't walk in. I grabbed a towel, and turned on the shower. After I'd showered, I hopped out with the towel around my bottom half. I dried everywhere, and put on my clothes. I unlocked the door and walked out into the kitchen. Anthony was pouring himself some orange juice. "Morning Ian," Anthony said. "Morning," I said. "Want to go and get some breakfast from McDonalds?" Anthony asked, while drinking his orange juice. I shyly nodded as I wasn't that hungry, but my stomach said otherwise. It growled in hunger as I chuckled. "Someone's hungry," I chuckled as I grabbed my wallet. "I'll pay. Think of it as a celebration," Anthony smiled. I looked at him, with a sly look on my face. "What celebration?" He smiled and looked down. "That you're finally happy again," Anthony admitted. I smiled faintly. I'm not all that happy Anthony. Think of it as a fake smile, fake happiness.

"Ready to go?" Anthony asked as he was about to lock up the house. "Um," I searched my pockets to see if I had my phone, My sunglasses and my wallet. "Yes, I'm ready to go," I said, hopping into Anthony's car, since mine was running low on petrol. "I'll have to full up my car, so we don't have to take yours," I said. Anthony nodded and smiled. "We'll do it when we get back home, after breakfast. I'm starved," Anthony started up the car and put it in reverse. He pushed the button to open the garage door. He waited as the garage door rised, and he backed out, pushing the button after he'd backed out of the driveway. As we drove away, the garage door was closing. "So, how'd you sleep?" I asked, while he was yawning. "I don't really know," He yawned. "I had a weird ass dream last night. It was so weird, it felt like real life," I smirked and he looked over at me. "It must of been a weird ass dream, if you said it felt like real life," I said, while he looked over at me. 

We arrived at the breakfast place. Anthony's favorite place to go for breakfast. He turned into McDonalds and pulled into the drive thru. "So, what are you feeling like, for breakfast? You can have anything," I nodded and started looking. I found something that I wanted and told Anthony. "Alright, I might get the same. It looks nice," He moved up in the line, waiting patiently. "So, what happened in your dream?" I asked, while we waited in the line. "Well, you were in it. It was really weird though," He admitted. "I was?" "Yeah Ian, you were. I don't exactly remember though. But you were in it," Anthony ordered our breakfast and we ate it on the way to our house. We arrived in the garage and Anthony looked at me. "What?" I asked, looking shyly away. "Ian, You okay?" I nodded and smiled my fake smile. Anthony then nodded and hopped out of his car. I hopped out aswell. "Want to go watch a movie?" Anthony asked as he unlocked the house. "Sure. Which movie?" He walked over to the movie cabinet and looked through. "Let me just get the laptop, I wanna tweet some pictures," Anthony nodded, and I walked down the hallway to the editing room. I grabbed the laptop and walked back where Anthony was. I opened the laptop and logged onto my twitter. I looked through my mentions. As I scrolled down, there were some fans saying to follow them, then it went from good to worse. There was hate, a load of it. 

"Why don't you kill yourself again? I hope it works this time, because guess what? You're just a waste of space."

I sat there in horror as Anthony was picking the movie. "Hey Ian, what about—" Anthony dropped the movie and ran over to me. "Ian? What's the matter?!" I just sat there, holding the laptop. "Ian, What's wrong?!" I started crying. Anthony grabbed the laptop, and looked at the tweet. "Oh my god, Ian." He looked at it in shock. He couldn't believe the hate. I've had enough. I got up and ran out. Anthony dropped the laptop and ran after me. "Ian! No stop!" Anthony grabbed hold of my arm and span me around. "Look at me Ian!" He yelled. I looked at him with my blue, watery eyes. "Ian, no matter how much hate you get, or how far they push you over the edge, I'm here for you. Okay?" I nodded and smiled. "Thank you Anthony, It means a lot." "You're welcome buddy." Anthony took me back into the lounge, and we watched Ted, because I needed cheering up.

How am I suppose to tell him, that I love him? I love him so much, his smile, his dimple. His emo hair, how he helps me through everything. I have to admit it;

I'm falling inlove with my bestfriend. I'm falling hard.

Do I Mean Anything To You? | Ianthony [Book 1] (Under Major Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें