Chapter 37, We meet Jett.

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--Hey guys! I bet everyone's counting down the chapters. I'm letting you know about the surprise in Chapter 39:D So keep a look out! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry it's so late. Leave me some feedback, I lovee reading it! Love you xxx--

Ian's Pov.

I woke up to the constant chatter amongst some people out in the lounge. It sounded like Anthony had some company. I could also hear the giggles coming from Ariana. I groaned and rolled over to check the time on the alarm clock. 9:34am. It's actually pretty late. I got up, and got changed. I walked out of the bedroom, and walked out into the lounge. Greeting me were, Anthony, Alex and some guy. The guy had dark brown hair, with Hazel eyes. His hair was styled in a quiff. He looked like an okay guy, from what I could tell. "Morning Ian," Anthony said, coming up to kiss me. "Morning." I replied. "Ian, meet Jett. Alex's brother." I looked at him and he smiled. Alex was playing with Ariana, on the lounge floor. "Morning Jett, Alex and baby Ariana." I said, walking over to where she was located. Alex handed her to me, and I gave her a kiss. She giggled, and then I gave her back to Alex. "Keep up the good work Alex," I said. "She loves you." "I love her too." Alex replied, and then continued on, keeping Ariana Company. "So, how long have you been in the neighbourhood, Jett?" I asked, making myself a drink of orange juice. "Actually, I came into this neighbourhood yesterday. Alex said I could stay with her a couple of days while I try and find a close university." I nodded, taking a sip of my orange juice. "That sounds okay. Where did you come from, before you came here?" Anthony asked. "Uh, I was living with my parents for a few years, while I was growing up. But then decided to come and live with my sister for a little. Needed to get away." "That's understandable; we all have that urge to get away." Anthony said, looking over at me. "Yeah," I said.

"So, what do you think of Jett guys?" Alex asked, playing with Ariana while Jett left to go somewhere. "He's alright," Anthony said. "He seems friendly." Alex smiled. "I was hoping you guys liked him. He might be around for a little while, but he's pretty cool." "Yeah, he is." I said. "He's actually really nice." Anthony said, making us some sandwiches. "Actually, he isn't here to go to a university. He's here because of his girlfriend." Alex said. "Who's his girlfriend?" I asked. "I mean, if you don't mind me asking." Alex looked at Anthony, and looked at me. "I actually don't know who it is. He never told me." "Didn't he? I mean, he is your brother and all," Anthony said. "I would of thought he had told you, just in case she becomes your sister-in-law; later in life." I said. "He never tells us anything, anymore. He keeps it to himself." Alex said, getting up. Ariana had fell asleep on the floor with Alex, so she was putting her in the stroller we had in the lounge. "Here guys," Anthony said, putting mountains of sandwiches on the table. There were 3 different plates. Alex took a few sandwiches, same with Anthony and I did too. We ate some sandwiches and talked about life.

"Thanks for babysitting Ariana today Alex." I said, giving her some babysitting money. "You're welcome guys. I'll see you tomorrow!" Alex said, waving goodbye. Anthony and I waved bye, and went back inside. "Alright, what shall we do, babe?" Anthony asked, walking into the lounge. "Well it's 10:39pm, and we've had something to eat, so I'm not that hungry." "Neither am I," Anthony said, looking up at me. "We really need to find some things to do around the house. We can't keep sitting here doing nothing." I said, smirking. "But, I like lounging around babe. It's fun. Especially when it's with you." Anthony said, kissing me. "I love you and all, but I'm getting tired. Can we go to bed?" I asked, giving him a tap on the nose. "Sure babe. Let's head to bed." Anthony said, moving his head from my lap and getting up. "Although, we could spend a little on the couch, cuddling?" I smiled. "Of course baby." Anthony said before hopping on the couch, resting his head on my lap again. I turned on the Television, and I found a movie.

It was a romantic comedy, and we settled to watch that until 2am. 

Do I Mean Anything To You? | Ianthony [Book 1] (Under Major Editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant