Chapter 39, Surprise!

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—Hey guys! I know how much you've been waiting for the surprise, so I'm going to announce it. So the surprise is.... A SEQUEL! I know how much everyone loves this story and all, so I've decided to do a sequel! I'm so excited! So, here is the second to last chapter, and I hope you enjoy! Leave me feedback/comments. I loveeee reading them! Love you xxx—

Ian's Pov.

So lately, I've been feeling left out. Alex's been over millions of times over the past couple of days and I've been editing. Anthony hasn't once come in to help. It's starting to piss me off. He expects on me to edit and post our videos, like he could help too. "Hey Ian?" Anthony called. "What?" "Can you come and help me and Alex?" He asked. "Can't," I called back. "I'm busy." Anthony walked towards the computer room. "Busy doing what?" "Editing our videos. Since I'm the only one that does it. You don't make any effort." Anthony stood there in shock. "Excuse me?" He said. "Just go back with Alex, since that's all that has happened in the last few weeks." I said, letting the video render. I'd have just about enough of Anthony's attitude, it's driving me insane. I went into Ariana's room and watched her sleep. She sleeps so beautifully, I'm jealous. She started moving around and started crying. I picked her up and took her to get a warm bottle. I got it and walked past Anthony and Alex. "Is she alright?" Alex asked. "Yeah, just a little hungry." I said, walking back into her room. I sat down in the rocking chair, feeding Ariana. She drank it little by little. She looked so cute. She finished, so I burped her, and put her back in her crib.

"Ian, can I talk to you?" Anthony asked while I was playing Sims. "Sure," I said. He grabbed his chair and wheeled it next to mine. "I'm sorry for not helping you with the videos. I've been selfish lately." Anthony admitted. "And, I'm sure it's a lot of work to edit, render and post videos by yourself." I nodded. "It is hard, as well as looking after Ariana. It's hard work Anthony." "I know babe, I'm sorry I left it all up to you." I smiled. "Are you going to help post this week's 'Lunchtime W/ Smosh?'" Anthony nodded, taking over the mouse. He edited, rendered and posted within the first hour. "All done," He said walking into Ariana's room. I smiled and handed Ariana to Anthony. Anthony sat down where I was and rocked with her. He said she was falling asleep, so I told him to put her in the crib. He did as he was told, and we watched her fall asleep. We were proud parents.

"So, got any visitors coming today?" I asked Anthony, making us some lunch. It's about 12:45 Pm, so I decided to make us some Mac n' Cheese for lunch, since Anthony loves my Mac n' Cheese. "Not that I know of," Anthony said, putting Ariana in her little swing. "Alrighty." I finished cooking our Mac n' Cheese, then put some in a bowl for Anthony and I. "I love your Mac n' Cheese babe," Anthony said. "It's got to be the best in the world." I smiled. "Thanks babe," I said. "I learnt from my mama." Anthony laughed and dug into the food. A little while after, the doorbell rang. I walked over and answered it. "Surprise!" Someone yelled. I noticed who it was. It was Jackie. Wow. I thought. "Hey Jackie.." I said, distantly. "Hey! I just wanted to drop in and drop off some of Ariana's stuff that my mom and family got. Here you go," She said, handing me some bags. "There's more in the car." I nodded, setting the bags down. Anthony came out and helped too. "Well I better be off." Jackie said. "Alright. Bye." I said, walking inside. Jackie left and we looked after Ariana. "Babe, Jackie's unexpected drop in, was weird." Anthony said. "Yeah, I mean it's been nearly 8 months since she's been in. Weird." Anthony nodded "Night babe," He said kissing me, then turning over. "Night baby." I said, laying down, getting some decent sleep.

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