More Prank Calls

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Cloudtail: I'm bored. Tawnypelt, entertain me.

Tawnypelt: No.

Cloudtail: Please?

Tawnypelt: No.

Cloudtail: Pretty please?

Tawnypelt: No.

Cloudtail: Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Tawnypelt: No.

Cloudtail: *stomps away* Fineeeeee.

Cloudtail heads over to the ShadowClan apprentices' den, where several apprentices are fighting over the iPhone 734858394268698236598236958623985693814659138759163498513.

Cloudtail: Why are y'all fighting over a lame iPhone 734858394268698236598236958623985693814659138759163498513? I have the even better iPhone 734858394268698236598236958623985693814659138759163498514.

Random Apprentice #1: Ohhh! Give it to me!

Cloudtail: Not unless you tell me what you are fighting about.

Random Apprentice #2: *looks up with round, innocent eyes* We just thought it would be funny to make some prank calls. My idea was to call Firestar.

Random Apprentice #3: My idea is better! We should totally call Mistystar.

Random Apprentice #1: But pranking some WindClan cats would be so much more fun!

Cloudtail: *snatches phone from Random Apprentice #3* I have a better plan. *dials Blackstar's number*

Blackstar: Hello?

Cloudtail: *plays eerie music in background* *is whispering creepily* Cloudcats shall rule.

Blackstar: Oh no.

Cloudtail: Beware the fluffy, brainless white cats.

Blackstar: StarClan, is this you? What have you prophesied?

Cloudtail: Listen closely. Clouds will come and cover the Shadows. Cookies will fall from the sky and the world will be amazing.

Blackstar: Wait... Cloudtail?

Cloudtail: Join me, Blackstar. Help make the Clans great again! We'll build a wall of cookies to keep out intruders and make them pay for it.

Blackstar: I'm so done. *hangs up*

Random Apprentices: We hate Donald Trump! *boots Cloudtail out of the ShadowClan camp*

Sorry if this offends any Trump supporters. As you can clearly tell from the mockery, I do not. Written by Feather the Fantabulous.

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