Murder 101 ~ A Social Experiment

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Cloudtail: Hmm...what shall I do today?

Brackenfur: *scrambles into Cloudtail's den* Cloudtail, Cloudtail, look! *displays iPhone7* There was this video released where cats went around and told others than they were voting for Stripefur to be Clan leader and look what happened! *presses play*

Cloudtail: *watches*

The video starts out with a cat talking to the camera about what they are going to do. After they're done, they go out into public and hold up a Vote 4 Stripefur sign.

Cloudtail: *winces* Oh my, I mean, we all hate Stripefur, but honestly - *sound of cat being squelched under the paws of a mob comes from phone* - isn't that going a bit far?

Brackenfur: You can never go too far when hating Stripefur! *slyly smiles and lifts up paw to show bloody underside*

Cloudtail: Okay...*brightens up* I know! I'll do a social experiment!


~three hours later~

Cloudtail: *prances into ShadowClan wearing a professor disguise* Hello, ShadowClan!

ShadowClan: *cats look up with angry faces*

Cloudtail: I'm Professor-uh, um...*struggles to come up with name* Tailcloud! Yes, indeed, I'm Professor Tailcloud! So anyways, I'm going to hosting a class that's all about murder! Specifically, the murder of your Clan leader! Yes, a class on How to Kill Your Leader! Isn't that exciting?

ShadowClan cats: *begin to nod wth interested looks*

Cloudtail: Come to the ThunderClan camp tomorrow for the first class! If you don't like it, you can always drop-out! Alright, that's all, so see you tomorrow!

~the next day~

Cloudtail: *waits as dozens of ShadowClan cats pour into ThunderClan camp, which was evacuated under, uh, false pretenses* Welcome, class! *moves chalkboard in front of settled students and picks up chalk*

ShadowClan kits: *lean forwards interestedly*

ShadowClan elders: *slyly pretend to not heart but actually do hear which is useless because they wouldn't be here if not to hear*

ShadowClan warriors: *pull out phones and start recording*

ShadowClan medicine cat and deputy: *sit aways from the main group, conversing in low tones and casting dark looks from time to time*

Cloudtail: So first, we will begin the Process of Murder, developed by Professor Frostfire. *holds paw to mouth in semblance of whisper* In my opinion, she's quite overbearing and irritating, but she came up with what she did, so let's go along with it...*continues lesson for next six hours* 

ShadowClan cats: *watch and listen intently*

Cloudtail: Alright, class, that's it! But before you take your leave, I have one last thing to tell you!

Random ShadowClan kit: What?

Cloudtail: *points to hidden cameras in trees* See those cameras? The leader of your Clan has been watching through them the entire time!

ShadowClan: *start freaking out*

Tawnypelt: HE KNOWS.

Cloudtail: *flicks paw and huge hologram screen with Vainstar's face appears*

Vainstar: *disapproving look*

ShadowClan: *start screaming*

Vainstar: *turns around to Brackenfur in background*  Wait, what were my lines again? And I need another piece of catmint. I'm losing the flavor in this one. *spits out wad of catmint to waste basket to the side*

Cloudtail: *facepaws* NOOOOO!!! YOU'VE RUINED MY GREAT PLAN! *runs off angrily into the distance*

ShadowClan: *angrily tromp back to ShadowClan camp and unanimously pass a law to kill Cloudtail on sight*

Vainstar: *voice comes faintly from hologram* My catnip, Brackenfur?

Le Amazing Duskie there. Hope ya'll enjoyed.

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