chapter twenty four

Start from the beginning

He continued. “Because you followed your heart...because your heart trusts me not to ever hurt you no matter what. No matter what I am our hearts trust each other and you as my mate should have trusted me Abby. Instead you followed your mind...and you know what? Nothing gets as complicated as being what I am...”

He did not say another word or let me air out my thoughts but instead he just turned and continue walking.

For a second I thought of turning and walking back towards the car.

But my senses came back to me and I quickly followed him into the trees that continued closing in.

I couldn’t see his face but only god knows what was going on in my mind at the moment.

I stopped when I realised we had reached at a was a small clearing and from what I could notice this was obviously an area where the wolves met for a ran or whatever. I noticed that because of the sets of footprints.

Preston turned and looked at me...liked he was studying me.

At that time I felt like he was trying to tell me something but I just couldn’t get my fingers at it. “Preston?”

“Yes?” he answered.

“Why are we here?”

“privacy.” He said shortly and with conviction that was not even needed.

He brought me here for privacy? Really? I mumbled to myself.

“Yes...if you are to remember there are other wolves present in school and I do not plan on all of them knowing that my mate” he stresses on the last word. “My mate rejects me.”

My heart skipped a beat when he said that. “I’m not rejecting you.”I blurted out.

“Is that what your mind is telling you or your just saying that because a part of you is trying not to hurt me?” his voice was low and I could hear the emotions he was trying so hard to hide as he spoke.

I shook my head.

He did not say anything.

“Preston, no...I’m not rejecting you...”

He cut in. “but?”

“I’m not rejecting you” I said knowing that what I just saying was binding. I was not going to go against that word. “But you might.” I mumbled the last words knowing that there was a truth in them that I believed.

Once he would find out what my dad was and the other part that made me, he would think twice and he could make the same decision my mother’s father made.

And He could reject me.

And that was something I worried about.

“You think I’m going to reject you?” he spoke still standing a breath from me. “You are my mate Abby and I may be not that old or wise all the time but I know that I would never reject my mate. I am ready to die for her...for you.”

Those words travelled straight to my heart.

They touched a deeper part of me...a part that made me want to give myself to him completely.

To let him mark me as his.

It was the first time I had ever thought of letting him mark me.

He cupped my face in his hands and I could feel myself involuntarily shivering. “Abby, trust your heart...follow it and listen to it. I’m never going to hurt you.” He leaned down to place a small kiss on my felt soothing.

I'm your bloody friggin' mate? You got to be joking...Where stories live. Discover now