Chapter 11

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"Are you ready?" Dawn asks me. I really don't want to steal anything for Snart but I have to. If I can help to save someones life then I'll do anything.

"Yep," I lie. I revise the map of Mercury labs in my head for the millionth time. Okay, twenty-first floor, make a right, and enter the chem lab. I close my eyes and exhale. As soon as my eyes open I run as fast as I can, picking up speed as I go. Although the wind is whipping in my ears, all I hear is silence. Then the words Dawn said to me yesterday pops into my brain.

I get to the entrance of Mercury Labs and race past the the door and into the building. As soon as I am in the chem lab I quickly scour the room for the medicine that Snart described to me. Small, clear, yellow label. I find it fast and get out as soon as possible.

Once back at STAR Labs I give the cure to Caitlin and she injects it into Lisa's thigh. I walk back into the cortex, pulling my mask off. I sit next to Dawn on the desk she is sitting on. She is smiling, her eyes full of pride.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask.

"Because I'm proud of you. You did the wrong thing but look," she points through the glass wall and into the room where a grateful looking Leonard Snart is talking to his sister. I smile.

"The beautiful island," I respond.

"No way, not yet. There are still many waves to come. This is just the eye of the hurricane."

I take in what she is saying and realize she is right. There is still a killer speedster out there somewhere.

"Hey remember that night when we all went out to get burgers?" I say recalling the events that unfolded that evening.

"Of course, it was the best day of my life." Her response is unsettling.

"That was the day you were beaten and locked in a basement," I say like she is crazy.

"That was also the day I realized someone cared about me," she responds. My memory flashes back to that night. That night where she decided to call me instead of the police. That night when she cried in my arms. That night when she thanked me for caring about her. Before I have time to give my little sister a hug she wraps her arms around me and buries her head into my red suit. Wow. She never hugs anyone unless they hug first. In fact I have only seen her touch me and Jesse; sometimes she highfives Cisco or Caitlin but other than that she usually cowers into herself.

"Barry, I need you to promise me something," Dawn says with a serious tone.

"What is it?" I ask determined to do what ever she wants.

"I see some of the decisions you make in order to save other people. Some of them are very dangerous. I need you to promise me that you will be more careful." I have a hard time figuring out what she means. I haven't done anything reckless that endangered myself lately.

"What are you talking about, Dawn?"

"I don't know, it's just I have this bad feeling. You said that you wouldn't know what to do if I died, but that's not true. You had a life before you met me, I didn't," she chokes on a sob but continues talking. "If you left me I wouldn't be able to function."

I pull her face up to meet mine. I look into her rarely tear-filled eyes. "Stop," I say sternly. I can't listen to her talk like this. Mostly because I know that what she is saying is true. "You have nothing to worry about. I'm going to be fine."

She nods but burrows her head back into my shoulder. Then a question rose in my brain.

"Dawn?" I ask with an almost warning in my voice.

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