Back among friends

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"So, how did it go? Is Ahsoka okay?"

"Ahsoka is fine, she's resting now. Surprisingly everything worked out. I would have expected this to be a lot more dangerous. Are you finished with your ops?" Maxwell asked.

The Twi'lek smirked, "Yes, you have a good crew. Shenna is adorable. So, where did you want to meet up?"

"There is a research base in the Polis Massa asteroid field. We can rendezvous there," Maxwell decided.

Aayla nodded and her Lekku flicked slightly. Lekku didn't translate into any into words. Feelings played a big role and usually a single gesture could mean a number of things depending on the context and usually a lot more complicated message was conveyed. For instance, her greeting earlier had been a greeting to a close friend of the family that she was extremely happy to see again. This was the kind of amusement that was usually followed by teasing.

"What?" he asked irritably.

"Shenna likes to gossip," she hinted.

"Care to elaborate?" he asked.

"Well, apparently a certain Togruta that both of us are acquainted with has expressed an interest in you and I'm not talking about any Queens of Alderaan," Aayla hinted heavy-handedly.

Maxwell pursed his lips, he really needed to talk to Shenna when he got back. "Aayla, you do realize that you are treading on very thin ice. Is there any somewhat attractive male in the Order you didn't sleep with at some point? I only know of Kit Fisto, that Sith that once seduced you and helped you lose your memories. I don't even want to know what happened when you worked as a Stripper in your uncle's bar afterwards until we found you. Then there are of course those rumors about Master Kenobi. Finally we should also mention that Padawan I caught you with and finally my brother. That was the time you drank a bit to much and ended up calling me so I could pick you up from that hotel, help you get dressed and then get you to the quarters Master Shaak Ti and I used to live in. Ohh and wasn't something underway with Commander Bly? I'm surprised I'm not on that list."

Aayla smiled at him innocently but her Lekku let him know that she was utterly unashamed of her bedtime activities. "Ohh, I would have done you too but you were to oblivious. Now, don't try to take the offensive here or I might get the feeling you are trying to hide something."

She bit her lip, "No you didn't........"

Maxwell raised an eyebrow. "......Yes you did," Aayla hissed.

The Jedi sighed, deciding that something was wrong with him. He had always taken pride in the fact that he could hide and control his emotions. Of course Aayla knew him better than most but still.

"Well, younger girls are easier to impress," Aayla mused.

"She started it," Maxwell replied defensively.

"I'm sure she did. Let me guess, you told her that you can't and that you are to old and she didn't care."

Maxwell nodded slightly.

"No surprises there. Well, we'll talk about you doing your padawan when I can scold you in person."

"Don't forget to maintain radio silence. Good bye," Maxwell ordered.

"I'm proud of you. They grow up so quickly." Aayla chirped. Before she could annoy him any further he ended the call and rubbed his temples.

He hadn't exactly planned in sharing that piece of information with anyone.

Maxwell sighed and headed back to the communications console. He couldn't do anything fact here so he didn't even try.

After sending out a transmission he returned to the pilots seat. After a few seconds the holographic image of his brother appeared. "Hi mate," the king of Alderaan greeted him. Alexander was wearing a simple tunic, trousers, and boots.

StarWars: Renegades -In The Name Of The FallenWhere stories live. Discover now