It was interesting, both Ezamie and Ryuu were both fairly new to the region, yet Ryuu had much more understanding towards the customs. Much like Akira, the woman who he had suggested would be a great replacement maid for Miyoko.

"Remind me again why we have to go to Nakru when we simply could have sent a messenger?" Ezamie asks, annoyance clear in her voice, as she turns to look at Naki.

"Because unlike in Volfulstein, in this region we have certain rules that apply to communication in between villages when we're unsure of the situation. If Nakru had been receiving our letters and messages there would be no need for this," Naki answers not sparing her a glance, ever since last week's incident he's been strictly professional.

"But isn't this too much, I mean a lord is going, and every time a lord goes there must be at least 4 guards. Don't we seem kind of... I don't know, aggressive?" she asks again, unsure this time.

"No, this is simply protocol. And even though the new lord of Nakru is young, he will understand," I reassure her. Naki scowls and mumbles 'Werewolves' under his breath, thinking no one heard.

As we turned right for the path to Nakru the forest suddenly thickened, another reason why I hated this region. Covered and cursed in magic, but if I were to mention it, I'd be thrown far, far away, and getting back would be impossible. O'Tina was more immersed in the magic of her region than she allowed to be known.

Tension seeped off of Miyoko as a yellow mist that only I could see. I found it easy to picture emotions as mist or steam once I could read them. It was amusing to some extent, but sadly there was always the handful of people whose emotions I couldn't read. Yukki Kanade not being one of them.

If you knew the trick to these kind of people, their emotions would be easy to read. Like right now, under the pale gray mist of stoicism there was the blue of worry, and light pink of attraction. As he always was, Yukki Kanade is a peculiar case.

You'd think he'd be more like Ryuu, the fiery over-emotional temperamental boy, considering he did lose his parents in a fire, but no. He kept to himself, speaking only when necessary, which made people think made him a great knight-- a soldier. But he was a guard, supposed to protect people, his village, his lord. 'To serve, love and protect', said the oath of the guard, but then again Yukki didn't care that much about emotional formalities, which made him awkward in a way.

Yukki Kanade of Remu and Tema, you are so easy to read.

Suddenly I'm snapped back to reality as Miyoko starts coughing and wheezing, grasping at her stomach. Everyone stops as I pass towards her, and suddenly she flings herself off her horse and runs to the bushes, where with a nasty gurgle she empties out her breakfast.

I unsaddle my horse and hear the others do the same, but I'm the only one who approaches her. "Are you alright?" I ask but she doesn't yet acknowledge my presence. I hear her let out a breath that one could consider a laugh.

"I just threw up everything I ate, but other than that I'm rather great," she manages before wheezing and doubling over again.

"Glad to see you still have your sense of humor," I say and hold her hair back all while ordering the guys to fetch me some water. 'Food poisoning. damn that Akira, she's worse than me in cooking', I scowl but bite back the words. The last thing they need is to know the new maid poisoned the lord.

"Come on, you're okay now," I rub her back and hold her shaking hand as she straightens. She groans and tightens her hold on my arm, her other hand grasping at her stomach. "Miyoko?", I say and question my previous diagnosis of it just being food poisoning, but then again, I did give her those pills.

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