Chapter VII

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"Awakening in Fright"

Narrator's POV

She brought the knife to her neck, and then-

Tossing and turning in her sleep, Miyoko suddenly sat up startled. Her breathing was ragged and heavy, sweat trickling down her forehead.

She leaned to her bedside taking the glass of water and downing it all at once. Her breathing calmed and she put the glass down, rubbing her eyes.

She glanced at the clock. It was 3:30 AM, at least 4 more hours before she had to wake up. But nightmares had different plans.

She threw the lilac sheets off of herself and swung her legs so they hung off the bed. With a slight push, she stood up and walked to the window.

Gently grabbing the curtains with her cut up hands she moved them away to look through the window.

The cool breeze was more than welcome, as she leaned over the frame looking up at the stars.

She felt something poke her arm and she looked down. It was a single rose, she couldn't make it out in the darkness, but it was probably red.

With a sigh, she threw it out. "I don't have time for secret admirers", she mumbled closing her window, hissing as her hands stung. The cuts still hadn't healed even though it had been a week since her return.

A week of nightmare filled sleep and restless nights.

She dragged her feet to her bed, not even bothering to cover herself as she closed her eyes, and welcomed the eerie darkness one would call sleep.

~~~~~~~The author loves showing dreams~~~~~~~~~

The ticking of the clock echoed throught the aristocrats house.

"It's a girl. It really is", ran a cheerful boy through the halls, his voice making everyone aware: The master's lover gave birth.

His wife was jealous, his sons and daughters enraged. But he didn't care, he was overfilled with joy as one of his many lovers gave birth to his child- a product of her love and his lust.

The lover had died though, making it a tragedy.

"What's her name?", one of the nannies asked.

"It shall be Akane, after her mother's brilliant red hair and eyes which she inherited", the man smiled at the crying baby.

10 years later, Mister Shuu Ayame, died from natural causes.

Leaving his company to his 'beloved' wife until his oldest child was fit enough to rule the company they owned.

Ten year old Akane was left alone, hated by her family. Her only loving relative was her disabled aunt.

But it wasn't long before she died too, of 'natural' causes.

Akane Ayame developed into a fit and active young witch. She was a beauty with blood red eyes and crimson hair, unlike her half-sisters who were more plain.

At the age of 13 was the first harassment she experienced. But it wasn't much, the girl was strong willed.

Nothing could bring her down.

Not even when she was 15 and locked in her room, and was not to be fed for a week.

She still managed to sneak out. But unluckily, she had ended up into a laboratory, and thinking it was water, drank an unfinished eternity potion.

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