Chapter 12 - New Plans

Start from the beginning

I waved to my sisters as I walked out the door. 

I got into Isabel's car and she was staring me down, ready to hear all the details. 

"You may as well start explaining now."

"What do you want to know?"

Her fingers tapped on the steering wheel as she drove, "All of it."

Well wasn't that going to be fun, trying to explain myself. I hated it with a passion; I never knew how to properly express what I was trying to say. 

"I asked him if he told anyone, and he said he didn't and that he wouldn't, which was weird, I almost expected him to just say no and tell everyone he walks past." 

"To be honest I am actually surprised he let you into his room, is it true that Niall Horan has found a soft spot!"

I chuckled, of course not, why would he change his ways for the sake of me, I was just another annoying chick to him. 

"I don't really know what else to say, we just sat there and talked, he said he was going to go get pizza and offered me to go with him. When we were there we just chatted and joked, he brought up not wanting girlfriends after I mentioned something and I just told him that I didn't want a boyfriend and that him and I are literally just two people having pizza together, I wouldn't even class us as friends." 

Niall's POV

When I got back to the frat house the boys had gotten out of bed and were lounging around, a usual site for me to see after a party the night before. 

"And he returns." Lucas said, chuckling. "What of it?" I asked as I fell onto a couch, "Heard you just ran off with that Lissa chick?" I scoffed, “Your point is?”

I was sick of the constant questioning I was being hassled with, Jesus Christ it’s not like I committed a murder. “I don’t know man, I just thought you hated her, and now she's like here and shit?” I sighed, why care about it, it was just fucking annoying. “Drop it man.” Was all I said, not in the mood for their shit.

The lads were just playing FIFA and I wasn’t too interested for once, I stood up and went off to my room, thankfully this time nobody questioned my motives.

I just laid down on my bed for a bit. "Fuck this." I sat up and almost fell off my bed, I got to my feet and walked over to the corner of the room, I picked up my guitar, slung it over my shoulder and walked back out. 

Ignoring any looks the guys gave me I walked out the house and went straight back to my car.

I drove down to a park not too far from campus. There weren’t usually people there and I was glad to see only a few people strolling around. I took my guitar out to a nice grassy place and sat down with it. 

I didn't get to ply my guitar too often anymore; I was usually busy with the guys, football, or girls. It was nice to be able to actually chill out and relax by myself for once. The need to clear my head was also an invitation to play my guitar. 

I liked to think that I was good at it but I wouldn't really know. 

I strummed away not thinking of much, it wasn't like I was a song writer or anything deep like that. I merely enjoyed playing guitar, and on the odd occasion I would sing, but my voice isn't that good, in my opinion anyway.


An hour or so later I was back in my room and lying on my bed, twiddling my thumbs, bored as fuck. 

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