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Recap: Niall and Jesy end up going together.


As I walked down the street... oh wait! I should explain!

It's the day before prom... my prom... and I'm walking the streets of Romford. I needed to think. And I do better thinking alone.

It's Tuesday now. With so little time left... I needed a way around leaving. My dad would never let me stay though. I'm only 16. Can't stay in a house alone. So I can't live here alone. If I'm lucky, I can stay with a friend. It's just kinda hard though to find someone who will actually let me stay.

But as I was walking down my street, almost home, the weirdest thing happened. I know that I'm really the only friend Jesy has anymore. But I hadn't thought of it like this. Jesy had come up in my mind so many times as I was thinking. And now? Well, something was wrong. I don't know what or why? But I just had this feeling that something was wrong. Just the thought of it, that I knew this, it killed me. That's when it hit me.

I know Jesy so well now, it might sound a bit fucked up but it's true.... how I knew that something wasn't right.... because I can feel her pain. And it only got weirder from there.

I live on the other side of town. Miles from Jesy. So how, without thought, did I knoww exactly where she was? Sitting in her room all alone. Guaranteed she was crying.

Without hesitation or any real thought, I was running. Not home but to Jesys. Or even just Jesy in general. The strage thing is, I felt like I could hear her calling my name. I wanted to answer but kept telling myself it was just my mind playing tricks on me.

Jesy lived on the other side of Rumford. That was miles away from my house. I could never run that half mile in gym. No, I'd always stop breathing half way through not even. But I had run at least 2 miles when I started to breathe heavy. I never slowed down though. From my house to Jesys was around 7 miles.

There was something about it, knowing she wasn't ok, that made me run faster than ever. I ran longer than ever too! I had reached about 5 miles and I began to slow down. Breathing heavier than ever before, I realized that I had lost that connection.

That one thing, that let me know she was in some sort of trouble... it was gone. That feeling that I was hurt but it wasn't me... gone! I stopped and thought to myself: she killed herself! I immediately started running again.

The next thing I new, I woke up on a couch.



"Niall's up!" Jade said running into my room. Oh! Yeah let me explain! I'll start from the beginning though.

I was at home, like usual, in my room. I had checked my account on twitter: nothing. Then Facebook: a bit of people who didn't know me trying to follow Me. Denied. Then... well Instagram was probably the worst possible thing! I don't post anything at all. But Niall dose. And he tags me in so much of it.

It was just amazing how many people loved this boy. But on every picture, all people would talk about was me. And it was never good. I was used to it by now. But it still killed me.

You can probably guess, just by knowing me, I was crying. But who cares anyway? Niall? Yeah right? He didn't even know. I wasn't gonna tell him. I had to find a way to deal with this on my own. Ether that or just kill myself.

In my head, all I could hear was his name. There were some points where I thought he was calling me. But I made it clear that I was being stupid! Then... well, my sister thought it was a better idea to run into my room like an ass.

"Jesy!!!" I could hear jade screaming from downstairs. It only got louder as she ran up to my room. "Jesy!!! Jesy!" She ran in out of breath.

"What?" I asked.

"Niall..." jade could hardly breathe at all. "He's... down... stairs.... and..."


"You might just... wanna go see... for yourself!"

I ran downstairs to find Niall. Hardly breathing, passed out on the couch.

"What...? Did...? You...? Do...?!" I said looking at Niall then the rest of my lame family.

"I was outside... he just came running over." Johnny started to explain. "Then... I don't know... he just blacked out."

"You probably hit him or something?" Jade said from behind me.

"No I didn't... never! I swear!"

"What ever... I really don't care anymore." I ran back upstairs to my room.

After a while. Jade was calling me again. This time I opened the door. "Niall's up!"

I ran back downstairs to see what was going on.


Sorry haven't posted a lot. But I have a small life to live. Hope you guys like it. 😘

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