Ch. 5 - The team from Kumogakure

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'' Don't fight guys... Come on, we're on the same team, '' Kiba said, trying to calm us down. 

That made me look away from Ren and back at Kiba. I tossed my head on one side with confusion. '' Same te-am? What team? ''  

'' YOU DIDN'T EVEN HEAR THAT PART?! '' Ren already began yelling. Then he covered his face with his hands. '' I just can't... I can't... '' He turned around and began banging his head against a random wall.  

I couldn't help it but to smirk at that. He broke the official record of how much time did a normal person need to spend with me before going crazy!  

Then Kiba explained to me what I missed in the restaurant. Apparently the villagers thought that the one that was kidnapping people was the Moon spirit. They were sure that she was angry with them for some reason and that was why at the next full moon they wanted to give presents to her to make her happy again. Or something like that. I didn't really understand the whole thing but it sounded strange. I wasn't sure what but there was something bothering me about this whole idea. Something was wrong... But maybe it was just a feeling. I forgot about it while Kiba, Ren and I began walking around the village to find some informations about this kidnappings and different things that were happening here. 

Ren agreed to tell us a little bit more about his team. I found out that he was specialised in ninjutsu with his Lighting release and Fire release and that he was also pretty good with kenjutsu. I really didn't expect Ryo to be their medical ninja but Ren told me that he was pretty good at healing. And then there was Hitomi that didn't have a special nature release or kekkei genkai but she had amazing chakra control and she managed to use her giant axe with the help of that.  

Once Ren finished talking he looked at Kiba and I. '' What about you? '' he arrogantly asked, clearly not expecting us to be as awesome as his team was. And to be honest... They really did sound a lot cooler then us.  

Kiba and I looked at each other and I knew that he was thinking the same thing as me. That was when I suddenly noticed something. '' Look at that! '' I pointed at the house a few meters away from us.  

An old, grumpy looking guy was just blocking the windows of his house. By the way he looked around every few seconds I knew that he just had to know something about the Noritan mountain and what was happening in this village.  

A creepy grin appeared on my face and I slowly sneaked up behind the old man. Kiba was staring at me and shaking his head, knowing that the look on my face meant that I had a stupid idea in my mind while Ren just seemed confused, wondering what stupid thing I was going to do next.  

I suddenly grabbed the old man. '' We finally captured you! You're our next victim! '' I yelled, trying to make my voice sound a little bit more deep and scary.  

The old man screamed with fear. Then he noticed me, laughing there like crazy. '' Stupid brat! '' he hissed, grabbed his hammer and began hitting my head with it. 

I whimpered in pain. '' I'm sorry! I'm sorry! '' I said, raising my hands in the air in defeat.  

Geez... It was just a little joke.  

The man moved the wood away and I slowly rubbed the top of my head. No wonder I was getting more stupid every day concidering that people kept hitting me. Did they expect that it would fix anything?  

Kiba apologetically smiled to the old man while Ren just sighed, murmuring: '' I should've known that you were going to do something like that. ''  

I just showed them a closed eyed smile. '' You know, you really should! ''  

He just shot a death glare in my direction and then turned at the old man that kept putting the wood on his windows. '' I'm sorry about her. We're the ninjas that got send here to help you with your problem. Can you tell us what was happening in Noritan? Why are you blocking the windows? ''  

Sakura's twin sister Chiharu (Naruto) ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ