"But what's the expectations. What would you have to do?" He sighs and looks at me.

"I would have to take away someone's free will. And I used to think I could do that. But now that I've met them..... I don't think I could. I think I like them too much to take away their right to choose."

"Right to choose what?" I ask quietly.

"Who they want to be with for the rest of their lives." I smile and give a little laugh. I think he must have gotten confused over what his dad wants. He's still in school, he can't take away someone choices like that.

"You can't take that choice away from someone Logan. I mean how would you even do it? It's not possible. Are you sure that's what he wants you to do." he looks sad and nods slowly.

"Yeah, pretty sure. I've been told it all my life. My family have traditions. And I suppose you could call them arranged marriages of a sort." Marriage? And why did the thought of him marrying someone make me ache inside.

"So do you have to choose who gets married, or do you have to get married?" I take a deep breath, not really wanting to know the answer. He's 17. He can't get married. It's insane.

"Well it's not officially marriage, but it's as good as. And I have to do it. But I don't do the choosing. That's left to a .....higher power. Something like fate. Thing is, I think it would work with me and this other person, but how can I take away her choice like that, and put her in danger."

He has an arranged marriage planned. His life is already planned out for him. No wonder he's always angry at school.

I don't want him to marry someone else.

He gets up and moves towards the water. The warmth I was feeling from his body is gone, and I'm left feeling cold, and put on my hoodie. My head is spinning. I think I'm about to faint. He turns around and looks at me, with a confused look on his face.

"Alexia?" He says softly.

"Why am I here Logan, why are you telling me all this?" He has hardly said two words to me since I've been here and now he's sharing his deepest secrets with me.

"Honestly?" He asks, I nod slowly. "I'm not too sure. I think there's a connection between us and I just wanted to get to know you."

"So why has it taken you four weeks to actually have a nice conversation with me? And what about this other girl. Does she know? What danger would she be in?"

"No she doesn't know anything about it. And as for nice conversations, I thought you were with Chris. He annoys me. You being with him affects me." I see the way he tenses when he speaks. He really must not like Chris.

"But you're team mates. Aren't you supposed to get on with each other?" He walks over to me and holds out his hands for me to take. I'm slowly getting used to the feelings in my body when we touch so I can touch him now without showing a reaction. I must be a better actress than I thought. He pulls me up, a bit too fast and I crash into his hard chest. But he just holds me there not letting me move away.

"I don't want to talk about Chris. And I didn't plan this evening to be this serious so a change of subject is needed. Tell me things about you. I want to get to know you." He steps away from me, and I let go of the breath that I didn't realise I was holding. He starts to lead the way to walk by the lake.

"Well, there's not much to tell. I like chocolate and reading. Ideally together. My favourite colour is green" he looks at me, smiles and wiggles his eye brows. I'm sure it's to show me he has green eyes. But I already know that. I can't stop thinking about them. I carry on.

"I like watching the walking dead, although I always have to double check the door before I go to bed if I watch it at night." I laugh at my self, but he doesn't say anything just lets me carry on talking.

 "I don't only like one type of music. I like all kinds, and I am always willing to try new bands I haven't heard of. People who are bitches and jerks annoy me. But I don't let them bother me. So consider yourself warned. This is your one chance." I look up at him with a smirk on my lips and he nods his head.

"I can take a hint. I know I was a jerk. I'm trying now.  What else?" he says softly.

"Ermm, I miss driving. It's been a while since I've driven anywhere."

"Why don't you drive your aunts car then?"

"Honestly?" I ask, just like he asked me a few minutes earlier. He nods and stops walking.

"I think I'm too scared to. And no I don't mind that you know." I shrug my shoulders and carry on. Not looking to see if he's following me.

I know he will.

And the dates not even over yet!!
What's still to come!! Da da dahhhh!!

Don't forget to leave any comments you have and vote

Much love
Lizzie. xxx

The Wolves ***Book One in River Falls Series***Where stories live. Discover now