The Tournament.

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"Oh can I have this!?" Narina pointed at a booth where they were making fried squid on a stick, a traditional Japanese dish during festivals.

"Two please." said Sora, giving the chef the money before taking two squids and handing one to Narina.

"Now be sure to eat it slow." Sora exclaimed."These things are very hot."

"Believe it or not, I've gone to this festival every year, but I've never tried squid."

"haha! No way! Well I'm sure you'll enjoy it." said Sora.

"Attention all contestants for the Academy's Annual Tournament! The battle's about to begin! Please make your way to the stadium!" the voice filled the air.

"Well.. good luck.." said Sora. "Can't wait.. and if we meet each other in the brackets, just to let you know, I won't go easy.."

Narina grinned. "Okay, you've got it! Same here with me!!"

Narina made to walk away, but then, she turned to look at Sora, she kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Thank you.. for the squid.."

Sora stood there.. frozen.. as Narina walked off, his jaw open.

"Mercy.." Sora whispered, touching his cheek.

While Narina made her way to the stadium she heard a chirping noise, and the small sized Astralis flew down and perched on her shoulder.

"Astralis.. you said you were going to stay out of sight!" said Narina.

"I thought she could use some exercise!" Bella ran over, wearing a sun hat and her own yukata. "Wow Narina-chan! You look so cute in that kimono!"

"Heheh.." Narina blushed and chuckled. "I-I guess I do.. have you seen my mom and dad yet?"

"They're waiting at the tournament, they're going to watch you compete." said Bella. "Your mom knows some awesome knitting patterns! I think I'll try making sweaters starting tomorrow."

"That's just Mama for you.." Narina said. "Come on.. we're going to be late.."

The Arena was perhaps the Root's biggest attraction. Used usually for the World Olympics. The sides of the arena were shaped like ocean waves.. Created in year 2290, it was now used for major sporting events like the Academy Super Human Tournament.

And here Narina was, in the center of the arena, staring up at thousands, next to an announcer girl wearing a tux, skirt, and top hat.

"Hello everyone!" said the announcer girl. "Welcome to the Academy's Annual Super Human Tournament! Today, we have some pretty riled up and ready to rock contestants all fighting for one prize!! A date with the beautiful Narina Yukata, AKA,  Shock Therapy!"

The audience responded to this with a massive roar of cheers and enthusiasm.

"Now! Just look at her, so cute in her yukata!" said the announcer. "AND not just that, she's going to be competing as well! So we've got a prize for her as well! If Narina-chan wins, she'll get 3 weeks at Remy's Spa, massages, mud baths! The works!"

"Um.. how about a gift card to Game World?" Narina muttered, not being much of a spa person.

"I am your host, Asanni!" said the announcer, giving everyone a cheerful wink. "Local Teen Idol! And today we're going to have plenty of fun! And just before we get started, Narina-chan! Are you sure you want to fight in such a beautiful yukata?"

"Well, it's so comfortable I don't want to take it off!" said Narina, sticking out her tongue teasingly. "But I'm not using those slippers, they murder my feet."

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