Demons and Dragons

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Violet looked lazy still as she walked down into the battle field and stood there, swinging her parasol around and yawning..

Sora on the other hand, looked enthusiastic as ever.. grinning and determined.

Narina, well.. as she sat next to the announcer, she could feel fear pouring into her... as she prayed with all her heart that Violet never found out that her and Sora's relationship was a little more than just a simple friendship.

Asanni smiled and waved to the crowds, unaware of the tense situation. "Alright everyone! This is it! The last match before the finals! Who will face Narina in the final round, and possibly win a chance to go on an all expense paid date to the Cheese Cake Parlor with this beautiful lady?"

Narina smiled and waved and the entire crowd cheered, accompanied by shouts of "WE LOVE YOU NARINA-CHAN!!"

"My, my Narina-chan." said Asanni, giving Narina a wink. "Keep this up, and you might have a real shot at being an Idol too!"

"I don't think I can take the attention Asanni-san." said Narina. Though she was speaking from a script here, it actually was true.

Everyone in the stands cheered for Narina, while a number of fans shouted. "You're already OUR idol Narina-chan!"

Sora grinned as he walked up to Violet. "So you're one of the Three Emperors right? I hope you don't mind me taking that title after I beat you and go on that date with Narina."

"Hmph.." Violet smiled slyly. "You really think somebody like Narina would have interest in you?"

"Strangely enough yeah." said Sora. "She's pretty cool you know. Like just today I took her to the festival and everything.. she's a great girl!"

"Awwwwww!" Asanni's eyes sparkled. "So cute!"

Narina blushed. She should thank her lucky stars that nobody knew it was Sora who gave her the yukata.

Violet's eyes narrowed.. a burning darkness seemed to issue from her very soul and expose itself in the light..  "You ... went on a date.. with Narina..?"

Violet's body began to explode with darkness.. as shadowy tendrils tore themselves from her very shadow and began to surround her..

"You will forgive me.." Violet whispered. "If I fight you.. with everything I have.."

"Heh.. Of course." said Sora. "I won't go easy either!"

Narina wanted to scream for Sora to run.. but it was as if something caught in her throat.. She couldn't speak..

It was then, that Narina noticed the shadowy tendril wrapping around around her ankle.. somehow.. Violet was freezing her in place.. keeping her from warning Sora.

"Narina.. is mine.." Violet whispered. "Narina.. is... MINEEEEE!!!"

"FWOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!" The shadows blasted into the sky, forming into a 5 story tall column of shadow.

"Underworld HELLFIRE!!!" Violet thrust her hand at Sora, and the shadows twisted and morphed into pure black flames.

The black fire blasted down at Sora. 

Sora sent an electromagnetic pulse from his feet and launched himself out of the way just in time as the ground was torn apart.

"Whoa!! You weren't kidding about going hard!!" Sora stammered. "ALRIGHT THEN!! TIGER CLAW!!"

Sora thrust a hand out in a claw like fashion, and a lightning blast in the shape of a clawed hand blasted out growing bigger as it blasted down at Violet.

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