Cake is Love, Cake is Life.

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"Now now, come on.. the baths are the best place to start with our tour, you must really want to wash up after driving all the way here."

Ezra had Narina by the wrist and was dragging her through the hall.

"Urrrrgghh!!" Narina pulled and pulled, dust skidding from her feet as Ezra held her tightly, but this girl was unusually strong.

"Hmmm?" said Bella as she followed close behind. "Does this human not like baths?"

"It makes no sense to me." said Bombar as he levitated next to Bella. "From what I have observed of human girls like my mistress, humans tend to enjoy baths very much, unless they are small children and they are throwing some kind of tantrum."

"Well.. here we are.." said Ezra as she stopped in front of an open door where steam was pouring out.

There was a massive pool indoors. Filled with steaming hot water. the pool looked deep. On the walls were hangers with bathrobes next to an assortment of lockers.

"We've got uniforms of all sizes in the orange lockers." said Ezra. "You can change back after you're done.."

Ezra continued to drag Narina inside.

And to her horror, she saw the dark shapes of other people bathing through the steam.


"Eh? Is that it?" said Ezra. "Wow you're shy.. well don't worry, we're all girls here."

"LOOK A BOY IS PEEPING!!" Narina yelled pointing over Ezra's shoulder.

"EH!? WHERE?!" Ezra snapped, letting go of Narina and turning around.

Narina ran away as fast as she could. She had to hide.. she had to hide! Aha! An open door!!

Narina wrenched a door open and jumped into the room. It was a dorm room, and two girls were in the process of changing out of uniforms into their casual clothes.

"Eh?" Said one girl, looking at Narina as she began to take off her shirt. "Something you need!?"

"EEEEKKK!!" Narina covered her eyes, averting them. "I GOTTA FIND SOME PLACE ELSE!!"

Narina ran over to the door next to the room, only to find a girl dressed only in her underwear as she sat on her bed playing video games. "Eh? Something you need?"

"CCCRRAAAAAP!!!" Narina screamed, running out of the room and going to the one right next door. "There I'm sa-"

"Something you need?" said a girl with pink hair who was sitting in a bath tub in the middle of her bedroom.


"I'm weird that way.." said the girl as she made to stand up out of the water.

"NO!! DON'T stand up!!"  Narina screamed, covering her eyes before running out and going to the other next door rooms.



"Something you need?"


"Hi there.. sorry, I'm not decent.."


This went on for a little bit, as Narina ran sobbing through the dorms. "Why? Why does nobody like to wear clothes in this place!? Damn it Stoor, you can have my life if you like! This is your paradise not mine!!"

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