Barracuda Barry.

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"Well well.. " said Garett with a grin. "You kiddies look positively fashionable!!"

Narina was wearing a black tan top with a yellow lightning bolt on it and a pair of denim shorts, while Nue wore a skirt with a neat pink shirt that had a blue paw print on the front.

They were sitting in the back of an old beat up Van. However, unlike the current types of vehicles of the century, this extremely old van had tires and ran on gasoline. Terrance was driving. A built in holo screen on the dash board showed Dez, who was staying back at the sushi shop. Nat was riding shotgun.

"Alright.. these are criminals that have been at it longer than the two of you have been at school, so effectively, they have more experience than you, but they haven't had highly qualified trainers like you, so there's no telling which of you has the advantage in a one on one fight.." said Nat as she tuned the strings on her guitar. "So don't be a hero.. we gave you casual clothes so you can blend in, and those signal flares you have in your school bags, use them if you think you're in trouble.. we'll head off in groups of two.. blend in with the festival that's happening tonight.. Narina, you're with me.. Nue, you're with Terrance.. Garett.. you do whatever.."

"Why am I always alone!?" said Garett.

"Cause you're the most experienced of all of us." said Nat. "You led this team before me remember?"

"Heh.. but you're stronger than me by a long shot.." said Garett.

"Why.. er... why are we riding in a 21st century vehicle?" Nue asked.

"Refurbished!!" Terrance corrected. "Plus.. this baby, is harder to detect on 4th gen vehicle radar, doesn't have the mandatory tracking tech see? And.. it's also my first car, so don't dis her!"

They stopped the car at a large nighttime festival.

Fireworks were going off in the sky.. and all around there were teenagers walking around, and little kids too along with their parents, exploring the different booths.

"That's right.." Narina muttered as she and Nat walked through the festival. "It's break time for my school and everyone who went to the same floor for school as me.. That's why they have this down here in the roots.."

"You grew up here?" said Nat. "Cool.. I mean, it's pretty nice.."

"We don't have all the cool tech you guys have in the upper floors of the Trunk." said Narina.

"Yeah.. but at least you have a real sky." said Nat with a smile, looking up at the clouds. "You can tell you know.. if it's real or not.. has a certain look and feel to it.. plus.. you actually feel a real change in wind and temperature, not the boring constant perfect weather they have in the Trunk."

"Guess living in both areas has it's ups and downs.." said Narina, laughing.

"You're actually a guy.. aren't you..?" said Nat.

"PFFFFTT FFFVVV WHAT!?" Narina jumped back, frightened.

"Don't fly off now!" said Nat with a laugh. "It's okay.. you're not the only one that had a mishap at the Rebirthing. Terrance.. actually used to be a girl.. Terry.. but.. she forgot to specify to the workers what she wanted.. and there you go.."

Narina's jaw dropped. "Y-you aren't pulling my leg or anything?"

"Not many people know about the accidents.." said Nat. "But I've seen a few of the gender bender ones.. they're extremely rare.. and nearly all of them are not purposely trying to change their gender.. you can tell, because they feel awkward in their own skin.. like you.. you seem to be intentionally trying not to look at your own breasts when you change clothes..  But.. you'll get used to it.. Terrance did, he barely even remembers being a she.. "

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