The Kiss

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Narina never really had much of a thrill at beaches. Even when she was a guy sneaking onto busses when the girls had their own beach field trips, looking at girls in bathing suits never really thrilled him. Sure he had the hormones, and he was attracted to girls, but Narin was very mellow and shy when it came to the opposite sex. As long as he wasn't looking at a blatantly naked girl straight in the face, it wasn't too much of a big deal.

And besides that, the truth was, Narina could not swim.. ever since she was little she never could actually bring herself to go into a pool.

Why? Because when Narin was 5, he was attacked by a Tiger Shark.. a terrible experience overall. Tiger Sharks weren't like Great Whites, which attacked because somebody used a surfboard and looked like a seal, Tiger Sharks would literally eat anything. A leather boot, a tire iron.. it didn't care, even when it wasn't edible. So how far a throw was humans from a nice tasty fish?

Narin had received a bad bite in the side, and before he knew it, he was pale and barely breathing in the arms of his grandmother, leaving behind a shark that looked strangely still and 'shocked' for some reason.

Ever since then, he wouldn't swim. and considering at that time he hadn't graduated from the innertube yet, Narina, was officially the girl who never learned to swim. 

The deepest she'd ever been.. was the bath back at the dorms. Even back in the Dragon's water fall lair, Narina learned to swat sharks or fish out of the water like  grizzly, standing in the shallows, like the younger dragons, while the older ones were the only ones that

So whenever they went to the beach, despite pointlessly buying a swimsuit, Narin, or now.. Narina.. decided to hang back, and play in the sand..

Something which was noticed by Ezra and Nue after they changed into swimwear and started setting up the beach gear.

"Eh?" Said Ezra as she began to set up the barbecue stove. "Narina.. it's going to be a bit before lunch is ready.. why don't you go play in the water with Nue?"

"I bought a giant duck... mmmm.." said Nue, holding a large inflatable duck over her head.

"I.. would rather hang back.. thank you.." Narina muttered. "M-maybe I can help you with those hotdogs.."

Ezra raised an eyebrow. "Who comes to a beach, wears a cute bikini.. and doesn't get wet?"

"Huh.. she does apparently." said Sora with a grin, walking over and bringing up his camera.  "So.. care to do a pose?"

"ZZZZAAAPPP!!" Narina held up a finger, and an electric charge jumped out and fried the camera. "Sorry.. I've been merciful so far.. but there are lines I don't cross.. I'm already not thrilled about having to pose for that Magazine shoot."

"AWW COME ON!!" Sora yelled.

"Still got my special set.." said Gin with a grin as he walked over, wearing his swimming trunks, and carrying his laptop.

"Want me to fry that hardware too?" Narina warned. "Looks expensive..."

Gin looked panicked, and hugged his laptop. "N-NO!! PLEASE!! NOT MY BABY!!!"

Lars laughed as he walked past, looking mischievous and casual. "Guess we're not taking home any reminders of our trip.. aw well.. might as well enjoy what we've got.. "

"Duck.." said Nue. "I have a duck.."

"I.. can see that.." muttered Sora.

"This duck is mine.. mmm." said Nue. "And it will always be mine.. this is my giant duck.."

"Can I take a look?" said Gin reaching a hand out to it.

Nue's eyes flashed and she kicked Gin right in the jaw, sending him flying before hugging the neck of her giant inflatable duck.  "Those who touch my ducky, shall feel my wrath... mmmm.."

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