Pillars of Heaven

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"So, a fight against a mass produced Bella model." said Yuki, letting cold chilling breath exhale from her mouth. "That should prove easy enough. Weapons Formation: COLD RECEPTION!!"

Yuki whirled out the sleeves of her kimono, and a blast of cold blizzard wind slashed out, freezing all in it's path.

Bella puffed up her cheeks as a her eyes glowed brighter. "EXHALATION THRUSTER!!"

Bella exhaled a massive blast of flames, that blasted into the icy wind.

"A flame thrower!?" Yuki stammered.

"Unlucky for you." said Bella. "I'm actually one of the first of the new line of Bella Series Two androids that came out last week, and as it so happens, we all come with a variety of new weapons!"

"Tsk!" Yuki's eye twitched with annoyance. "A custom android like me won't lose to a mass produced series! Master! Let's focus on the Bella unit.. it's obvious that this android's master is incapable of any experienced combat, she is no threat."

"I was thinking the same thing!" said Greg with a grin. "Alright! I'll blast her apart in one fail swoop. "BOMBOY BRIGADE!!"

Greg thrust a hand into the air, and multiple Bomboys flew out into the sky before forming into a V shape formation and shooting down at Bella.

Bella's eyes flitted up quickly, and she crouched her legs, before leaping up into the sky a considerable distance.

"Exhalation... " Bella puffed up her cheeks again. "PROPELLER!!"

A giant cyclone swirled out of Bella's mouth, knocking the Bomboys away.

But the Bomboys reformed into their V shape and kept coming at Bella.

"It's no use! The Bomboys never stop pursuing their target until I tell em to explode!" Greg roared.

"Just have to dodge th-" Bella began, right before a massive blizzard swirled around her.. and she was encased in a giant pillar of ice.

"Sorry, but dodging won't be something you're doing today." said Yuki Onna, a small smile crossing her face.

"BOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!" An explosion riddled the pillar as the Bomboys collided. And fragments of ice fell from the dust cloud that resulted, as Bella landed on her feet nearby, panting. segments on her skin were torn, revealing circuitry.

Narina felt ashamed the moment she saw this. There was no way in heck she should be letting somebody else take a beating like that for her. No way in hell..

Then she remembered that Ezra said she could always quit if she wanted..

Should she?

No.. that would be cowardice.. no way was she running from a fight she started.

But she was inexperienced, untrained, and she wasn't even sure how her powers worked. How was she supposed to help?

"When you're fighting an opponent with tools or weapons you don't know, it's best that you get creative, and add your own flare.. the ability to fight is there, don't think, act and let your training move for you."

the voice of Narin Jousuke's father echoed in Narina's mind. All that time in her father's dojo.. and she never forgot that piece of advice.

That's right! Ezra said that Shocker Girl's muscle memory was still there, perhaps, she shouldn't think her way through the fight, She should just act.. don't think... act.."

Narina closed her eyes and took a deep breath.. she then opened them.. and a furious fire enveloped her heart.

Move.. don't think.. just move..

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