To the Academy

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Narina awoke that morning expecting to wake up as Narin Jousuke. But instead, when she sat up, and looked at herself.. she was Narina Yukata.  Great, just great..

She looked at the tarp she had stuck over her wall to cover up the gaping hole she blasted last night, and then looked at her fingers, letting sparks jump out.

"Heh.. I'm like that one anime character.. what's her name? Misa? Mi-.. something?" said Narina. "Eh.. I can't remember those old classics.

Narina looked at the clock. It was 8 am.. of course.. today was a weekend, she was allowed to sleep in. Normally Narin Jousuke at this time would call up his friends for a time out in the town. Maybe play some Virtual Reality games at the Dream House. But right now, Narina would rather save herself the embarrassment of her friends knowing she was now a chic.

Narina lay back in her bed for minute before noticing there was a shopping bag next to her bed.

"From Mom.." Narina read on the side of the bag, She looked inside, and blushed. "Bras and panties.. really mom!? Oh dear.. guess I have to wear these now.. and.. what the!?"

Narina took out a tampon, and a card. "Sweetie, it's important to know that once every month a woman will bleed out of their... OH SICK!!!"

Narina dropped the card and stuck out her tongue in disgust. "Okay.. Stoor, you really have NO need to be jealous, being a girl is just painful."

Narina made to lie back down in bed again.. but then.. she looked at the bag. "Guess.. I better try them on?"

After managing to fumble his way through straps and odd angles, Narina finally pulled her shirt on, feeling disgruntled. "Well.. not that it doesn't hold my chest okay.. but that was a nightmare.."

That's when there was a knock on the door.

"Dad.. not now! I'm still getting used to this.. well.. you know.. me.." said Narina.

"BOOOOOMMMMMM!!" The door was suddenly knocked right off it's hinges and sent slamming into the other end of the room.

"HOLY FALLOUT SUPER MUTANTS!!" Narina screamed, falling out of her bed.

Into the room,  walked a girl. She had neat green hair, a yellow blouse, and black gloves and leggings.  Her eyes glowed blue, the glow signifying she was an android.

"Target found!" said the girl cheerfully, grinning as she pumped her fist in the air. "First escort Mission now in progress!! BOOYEAH! I am so good at this!!"

"Wh-WH-WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!?" Narina roared, pointing a shaking finger at the android. "WHO ARE YOU!?"

"I am Bella Unit 3487, " said the Android, doing a pose with a peace sign. "But you can call me Bella. I am an android assigned to guard you!"

"G-guard me!?"

"Yep." said Bella. "According to Academy Regulations, because of the tendency for fights to break out at the school, and because of kidnappings for ransoms in the past, Each and every student must have an android bodyguard present to not only protect you, but to assist you with cooking, cleaning, and various other living requirements at your dorm!"

"I get my own android?" said Narina. "Wait, does that mean I made it into the Academy?"

"That's right." said Bella. "Normally, those who can afford it bring their own Android Servants, but since you're an exception from the Roots where nobody can really afford an Android, I was provided to you. Believe it or not, I was just activated yesterday, I couldn't wait to take my first steps out into living! It's like I was just born! Wait.. I WAS!! heheheh! Anyways, I'm here to find you, and bring you to the Academy asap! I took the courtesy of leaving a letter to your parents where you have gone, and packed you a bag of supplies I shopped for myself!"

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