The Festival

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The next day, Narina once more found herself lying upon the wet surface next to the bottom of the massive waterfalls.

Once more.. she found herself living among dragons, doing what they did, eating what they ate, and of course, snuggling with baby dragons, which were currently stumbling and tumbling all over her, squaking .

Next to her, Astralis lay peacefully, flopping her tail a little before yawning and nuzzling her snout into Narina's cheek.

After a while, Narina had begun to understand the purpose of all of this.. the more she learned to be like a dragon, the more dragon like she felt.

The key controlling Prism Dragon wasn't intense training, it was learning to be as dragon-like as she could..

And the more Dragon-like she got, the more she began to appreciate the dragons who lived here. After a while, she began to let the older dragons attempt to 'spoil' her.. and the baby dragons started to feel like her own children... in fact she even started naming the babies.

Astralis.. however, felt so close to her, that the only one as close that Narina could've ever known other than Astralis, was Mizo.

"Dragons form lifelong partnerships.." Wild Dragon had explained. "They aren't romantic partnerships. It is like forming siblings. They do so because dragons only lay one egg at a time, so it's rare they ever have siblings.. as a result.. they form these partnerships.. and for unexplainable reasons.. these relationships become near telepathic.."

"So.." said Narina, climbing up onto Astralis's back. "I'm going to be assisting in the Festival tomorrow.. you know.. for our school.. are you sure you want to be there? You'll mostly just be hiding in my bag.."

"Rrrrrrrrhmmmmrrr.." Astralis hummed calmly.

"Alright.. fine.. I get it." said Narina. "You want to be there for me.. But you're going to be bored."

The dragon purred a little and went back to sleep.

Narina smiled. "Alright. But don't come crying to me when you've found you can't stand doing nothing all day."


As it turned out.. Narina wouldn't find the festival as fun as Narin used to.

After all Narin never had to wear a maid outfit.

"You're kidding me." said Narina as she looked at her rather embarrassing outfit, as she stood in the kitchen for one of the large restaurant tents that had been built on the Festival Grounds.  "Do I have to?"

"You're mostly going to be in here baking the dishes unless somebody requests you as a server, so it can't be that bad." said one of the Baking Club members a brown haired girl named Suzuki

"And how many people do you think are going to request me as a server?" Narina muttered as she took a large set of gourmet cupcakes from the oven and began setting each on a plate with garnish.

"Oh.. eh.. just do your best." said Suzuki. "I'm sure you'll be great."

Narina smiled. "Thanks. Have customers come in yet?"

"Yep.. We've just opened our doors. Your break will be in 3 hours, then you can go enjoy the other facilities." said Suzuki. "Just be back soon after that, your pastries are the heart and soul of this place."

"Got it." said Narina.

"Narina!" One of the girls peeked into the kitchen. "We have two strawberry shortcakes and coffees for table 3, and they requested you as the server."

"Got it." said Narina, taking a couple of plates and balancing them on one arm while grabbing a coffee pot with the other hand. "Coming right over."

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