Chapter 26

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Astardi POV

"What's wrong with him?" I asked the doctor anxiously!

"Well, he's in a coma... We don't know how long he will be in it, it could be hours, days, months, or even years only time will tell" the doctor said.

I nodded and bit my lip trying to stop the tears, but it didn't help at all! I cried and cried.

"Justin.. I wanna go to rehab." I said

He nodded "I think your making the right decision."

"So when can we see Kendrick?" I asked justin.

"The doctor said you can go whenever you want he's in room 236." Justin said.

"Well you wanna go see him?" I asked

We walked back and down some hallways until we reached Kendrick's room. When we walked in I lost it!

"Calm down! It's gonna be okay." Justin said.

I nodded and tried to compose myself. I put on my game face! It's time to be a man. I have to be strong.

Justin talked to Kendrick for a little.

"Okay.. Imma head home, you want alone time or you want me to stay with you " Justin asked.

"I think I'll have some alone time.. I love you be safe!" I said.

"Iight I love you too and I will" Justin said. He kissed my temple then walked away.

See, I'm not like these other crack heads, I can control myself and act like I've never even seen that white stuff ! So I'm letting y'all know; it's possible!

But anyways.. Back to Kendrick.


All I fucking see is black! I can feel so much pain though! And I can hear everything everyone saying. And I swear I could hear Astardi's voice.

"Hey Kendrick... It's me." I heard her say. She grabbed my hand and was holding it. "I missed you Kendrick.. I just needed time to breathe ! I'm sorry for leaving you and if you want to take me back, I wish you would. Baby please squeeze my hand if you can hear me"

I tried with everything I had to squeeze her hand but I couldn't find the strength to do it! I could feel liquid on my face then I could hear her crying so I realized it was her tears on my face.

I felt her head on my chest...

"I love you so much. I promise you Kendrick I will come visit you everyday and hopefully you'll take me back but if you don't then you won't ever have to see me again.." She cried..

I tried with all my might to put my hand on her back anything! I guess I've succeeded

"Kendrick you can hear me!!" I heard her scream. I could tell she was smiling by the way her voice sounded.

I felt her kiss my lips, I wish I could kiss back but I can't. I can't I wish I could but I cAnt. I had visions of the day she left. Finding the note wanting to just kill myself. Now she's back and I can't even tell her how much I've missed her !


I felt his hand on my back and I was overwhelmed with happiness! He could hear me! And apparently he did want me back!! I kissed his lips half expecting him to kiss back but I know it's probably hard for him.

7 moths later.

Like I said, I've visited Kendrick everyday. I'd come and stay for hours! I've been going to rehab too. I was allowed to stop after 2 months because like a said I could control myself . I would kiss Kendrick everyday before I left.. It just became our thing. I guess I've been hoping for him to kiss back!

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