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I can't stop crying! It's been 2 days since I've seen Mercedes or Kendrick! I really need a laugh at the moment(:

So I've decided to watch Friday.. I really don't wanna watch it alone but AYEEE

I was just sitting there cracking up! Then I heard the door open which scared me, I grabbed Kendrick's gun then hid.

"Astardi!! Where are you baby it's me!" I heard Kendrick's voice echo then I heard footsteps in the bedroom and I couldn't be too sure it was Kendrick so I jumped out that closet and aimed my gun at the person

"Listen here mother fucker I am 8 1/2 months pregnant but imma still whoop yo messy ass if you don't get out my damn house!" I screamed as I jumped out the closet

When I jumped out I saw a laughing Kendrick holding Mercedes .

"Babe chill! It's me!" He laughed "you got so hood"

"Shut up " I laughed back

Then I kissed him I missed him so damn much!!



"Wait a second ! I know where Keandra stay!" Lamar said after we left greens warehouse

"NIGGA WHY THE HELL YOU AINT TELL ME THAT!" I screamed making him jump.

"Man I been forgot! Just follow me." He said then everyone got in a car and we drove to Keandra house.

A few minutes later we pulled up to this house in the hood.

"There's guards" Asia said to me.

"Kill them " I said simply then they did as followed

Well no more guards.

"Now imma get the back you guys get the front" I directed everyone.

"1..2...3" I said .

I walked in and there was some hoe giving a nigga head

"Hello" I said slickly

They both jumped up so fast then the boy reached for his gun but I grabbed it before he could

"Nigga who you?" He asked

"KENDRICK MOTHERFUCKING MOORE!!!!!" I screamed then shot them Both.

I cleared out the hallway then I heard multiple gun shots and then I found basement stairs and heard yelling coming from down there.

I ran down there to see Keandra hitting Mercedes


I shot him in the leg

"daddy !!" Mercedes yelled.

"Hey princess" I smiled

"This is my friend Ka'nigtia" she smiled pointing to a little girl hiding

"Hey, you wanna come with me?" I asked her

She nodded then as I turned around I heard gun shots Ka'nigtia shot Derek who was standing behind me with a gun to my head.

"Thank you!!" I smiled then me Mercedes and Ka'nigtia headed upstairs.

"Okay girls let me go first and then y'all follow Ka'nigtia can you carry Mercedes " I said

Ka'nigtia nodded then took Mercedes I checked and the coast was clear then we ran outside and saw the whole gang there safe and sound!

We agreed to go to the warehouse and talk about this.

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