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My heart stopped beating for a minute I swear! I was watching a female I trusted ! fuck my man!! It was Sarah! I trusted her the most in this group and now she's gonna suffer. THIS VIDEO WAS THIS MORNING!! Maybe thats why he took so long with the clips! Damn!

"Where the fuck Sarah ?!" I screamed ! I was infuriated !

"I'm right here wassup!" She smiled

I slapped that bitch the same place those words came out of!

"Bitch I trusted you and you fucked my damn man! Asia tie her up then bring her to the basement! Leave her there with the lights off and DO NOT touch her I gotta end shit with Kendrick!" I shouted.

I walked out the door and got in a Benz I had at the trap house. I was all over the road and swerving too!

I went straight to that bitch ass niggas Kendrick's place!

I walked in and slammed the door.

"KENDRICK!" I screamed then he came to the door.

"Baby why yo-" I cut him off.

I slapped that man so hard across he face

"Do not call me baby again! The only person you needs to be calling baby is that 2 dollar hoe Sarah you fucked! Kendrick it's over!" I said slapping him again then slamming the door and running out with tears running down my face.

I hit the steering wheel. 'FUCK' I screamed. Then Justin walked out.

"Chill the fuck out!" He said

"No nigga! He fucked my right hand this morning! I'm so done!" I screamed and started crying.

'Count to 10 damnit! I kept saying in my head

"1...2...3...4...5...6..7 JUSTIN ITS NOT WORKING! Where's daddy when we need him! Hmm? I'll see you at home I gotta go kill Sarah ass!" I said and peeled out!

Impossible by shontelle was playing just making me even more upset! I calmed down so I could make Sarah suffer even worse then I am.

I pulled up to the trap house ready to kill. When I walked in everyone's head turned.

I walked In the basement and turned on the lights to see a crying Sarah.

"So Sarah? You think it's ok to fuck my man?" I asked

She didn't say anything.

"Bitch I asked you a question! Now I want an answer!" I screamed

No answer

"Fine if your not gonna talk then why have a tongue?" I asked and cut off her tongue.

"You ain't shit! You don't deserve to be in this gang!" I said cutting off the skin her tattoo was on.

"You know, since you not worth anything I'm not gonna even use a bullet on you." I said.

I lit her hair on fire and once I knew she was dead I poured water on her.

I walked upstairs and told my goons to get rid of her body and clean the basement up.

All my girls were sitting by the door. They knew I was mad so they said nothing.

I put my sunglasses on and walked out the door and as I did that I said

"Passion is back." Making my girls smirk.

I just ran home because I don't like driving when I'm this pissed off I know damn well imma wreck if I do!

About 10 minutes later I was home safe & sound. I went in my room Locked the door and stripped completely naked and I just laid flat on my back on my cheetah print bed spread. I cried and cried then I put on a sports bra and some Nike shorts then went to the kitchen got some random drink with alcohol, weed and a red solo cup and went back in my room and cried all night while I got stoned then wasted Mann! I was messed up.

When I woke up in the morning I had the WORST headache. I couldn't deal!

I went Into the kitchen again to get some type of pill and when I went in there Shawn James Lamar and Justin were sitting at the island.

I grabbed my pills and some water and I started to walk away.

"You ok?" Justin asked

"Nope." I said simply and walked straight Into my room without taking a second look.

I blasted my radio and trey songz "fumble" started playing making me cry.


I was so depressed. I haven't left my room since I got my pills. I can't live anymore and I'm not gonna love again! I'm just gonna end my life.

I was gonna end it but just as I kicked away the chair I was standing on in walked Lamar.

I passed out and I just remember waking up in the hospital with all these wires hooked up to me.

"Where am I?" I asked.

Justin and Lamar both looked at me in shock!

"YOUR UP!" They shouted and came and hugged me then a nurse walked in.

"Ma'am why am I here?" I asked her.

"Astardi, hunny you tried to uhm.. Off yourself." She said

I stared blank at the wall.

"Justin where's kend-" I stopped remembering what had happened and why I tried to kill myself.

I'm in love with that boy and I thought he loved me too but obviously not because he cheated on me!

"When can i leave?" I asked justin.

"Uhm I don't know yet.." He said

"Well can you please get me something to eat?" I asked justin.

"Sure thing. I'll be right back." He said.

I nodded.

"Astardi.. Why did you do it?" Lamar asked .

"Honestly.. I'm so hurt by Kendrick's actions so I was just really depressed I felt like that was my only way out." I said sighing.

"You know how sad I was because I was the one who saved you and I was scared !" He said

I nodded ..

"You know something?" He asked

"Hmm?" I said

"Your beautiful."

I started blushing. I had the BIGGEST crush on Lamar when I was 7.. So it's the opposite way now.

"Thank you Lamar." I said smiling.

He nodded. He's attractive don't get me wrong but I'm never going to love a thug again after why Kendrick did to me! I am honestly such a mess!

I remember my brother used to date this girl named Jenny. She cheated on him and got pregnant. My brother was such a wreck ! I've never seen him like that! I felt so bad for him because I've never seen him cry before! A few moments later he walked back into my room with a grilled cheese sandwich.


I can finally leave! I was so excited to go to the mall or whatever! This is gonna be hard to pick back up but I'm willing to try. Hopefully I meet a new man! But aye if I can't find one I can't find one I'm not gonna trip!


Soo Kendrick a dick!

Astardi tried killing herself !! OMG

Lamar like Astardi !

Passion back!

Hmm what y'all think! Tell me please I l one you all soo much! Your all amazing!

My First loves a thugDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora