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I been in this hospital for 12 fucking hours !!! I just wanna start pushing!! I'm stressing out and I can't her comfortable !

15 minutes later the doctor came in!

"Hello ma'am I'm doctor smith, you ready to push?" He said.

"I been ready!" I laughed.

They got everything ready then the nurse started telling me what to do.

"Okay so push then hold your breath and push for 10 seconds" she said.

I did as told and Kendrick held my hand. "Keep going baby!"

I then heard the doctor say "okay I see his head"

I pushed so hard!!!

then the baby was here "why isn't he crying?" I asked nervously.

The doctor handed my non moving son to the nurse and she rushed him away. I'm getting really nervous.

"Baby it's gonna be okay!" Kendrick assured me.

A few minutes later the nurse returned

"Excuse me, ma'am, your son.. Uhm didnt make it." She said slowly..

My heart broke into a million pieces I just lost it I cried and cried and cried.

"I'm sorry for your loss." She said then walked away.

"Baby it's okay I love you so much we're gonna get through this I promise" Kendrick said and kissed my forehead.

Everyone in the room was crying. This is awful. I thought this would be the best day of my life but it's by far the worst..


I was still so depressed and they've been having problems at the trap so Kendrick is never home. I took up drinking, I'm always drinking now.

I was listening to swim good by Frank ocean then I started thinking a few days back to my sons funeral. I threw my bottle of scotch at the wall and it shattered into a million pieces and the liquid spilled all over.


My son was in a little tiny casket. Kendrick and I were crying along with everyone else there. When they lowered the casket I just lost it! I went crazy and. Ran up to the casket.

"NOO!!! My baby!" I yelled

Kendrick walked up and carried my back

"It's okay.." He said trying not to cry but I could see tears in his eyes.

I passed out before the service was over. I couldn't deal with this!


I dragged myself off the couch and went to the kitchen to grab another bottle of liquor since my last one was done.

"I can't to this" I mumbled to myself.

I dropped to my knees and started screaming! "WHHHY" all I wanted to know, why me! I was gonna go crazy. I have to leave! I have no where to go though! Harlem just isn't the place!

I'm leaving Kendrick a note then I'm gonna drive to California and start a new life there losing all contact with everyone else here. I wrote my note then left.


I walked I the door after a long day at work. I didn't see Astardi anywhere. There was a shattered bottle of liquor on the floor

"Astardi ?" I yelled out loud . No answer.

I walked into the kitchen to see another half empty bottle of scotch with a note next to it.

Dear Kendrick,

I can't to this anymore, I'm digging my own grave, I'm leaving to start a new life. Don't look for me. Just know I love you so much! I just couldn't deal! I'm so sorry for doing this to you at this time I just took the whole Ka'von situation awfully! I love you so much never ever forget that! Hopefully I see you again one day Kendrick please I love you. I love you so fucking much that I couldn't put my depression on you. I'm sorry and I love you


The wedding ring I gave her was next to it. I broke down crying too. Her tears were on the paper. What am i gonna do? Astardi was the love of my life! I'll never love anyone again..


Omniscient POV

Astardi is coming back to Harlem today. She's a crack head and just a wreck! She doesn't even look the same! She didn't even look at another man though ! Because she knows she's in love with Kendrick and she came home to Harlem to get him back!

Kendrick , he still cries at the mention of Astardi! He loves her so much! He haven't touched another female either! He wants her back badly. He's heavy in the drug game now and got shot a few months ago.. He's okay now.. Just dying of a broken heart...


Haha yeah fuckers!! I do crack now, problem? I'm heading back to Harlem today.. I wanna find Kendrick and they got better white there! It's been a year since I've seen him.. I still cry at night then I take a snort and I'm good again..

I walked up to the first trap house I've seen

I opened the front door and walked in immediately.

"WHERE THE CRACK!" I laughed . I was high a'f !

"How much you want ma?" A dark skinned asked me.

"5,000 worth" I said

He walked away then came back with what I wanted. I payed him then left. I needa go find an apartment or sum!

I found one in the straight hood! It looked like shit but it was cheap and close to the best traps ! Life is good!


Rip Ka'von! And Astardi a crack head now. Dang!!! Kendrick and her need to get back together! And I apologize for the depressing chapter! I'm really depressed at the moment.. I don't knew why either!

But vote and comment(: and if anyone has any suggestions for a THUG book for me to read, lemme know! I read all the ones in my library !

Question of the update- when's your birthday?

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