"It's quarter to eight. Who wants to stand outside the common room door and let people in? I've cast a silencing charm around the common room so the students in be won't hear the music. No one under Fifth Year is allowed." Brittany told us.

"I'll go stand outside," I told her, she nodded as I walked away and down the stairs.

"Holy fuck Em." Drew's eyes went wide at the sight of me and I saw several Seventh Years turn their heads towards me too, wide-eyed.

"You look hot, too bad I don't swing that way." He told me and I laughed.

"Thanks, Sherlock." I tugged at his trench coat.

"Where are you off to?" He asked.

"I have to stand outside the common room and keep the door open until everyone gets here. Not all of them are Ravenclaws." I laughed a little.

"Alright, but if any guy tries to touch you tell me and I'll hex them." He smirked and walked away.

I went and stood by the door with it cracked open a bit.

"Why on earth have you kept me open? What is the point of having students learn if you've kept my door open? I demand you close me at once." The Bronze Eagle knocker was going off on a tangent.

"Silencio." I tried the spell but it didn't work.

I rolled my eyes and somehow blocked out the knocker as some students came up the stairs.

They were Hufflepuff's.

The male of the group, Zachariah Smith, who I recognized from Potions looked me up and down and winked.

My smile fell off my face into a scowl.

"Is this the party?" A girl with curly blonde hair asked.

"Yeah, straight through there." I pointed to the door that was cracked open.

"Save me a dance?" Zachariah smirked on his way passed and I scoffed.

I knew I would hate wearing this. I mentally scolded myself.

Smiling I greeted more and more people. So far the only Slytherin's to show up was Pansy Parkinson, who sneered at me as she walked by, and some girl with long black hair who I didn't know.

After about an hour of greeting guests, I was getting bored and I wanted to join the party. No doubt everyone was drunk or on their way. I chuckled to myself at that thought.

"Something funny Coal?" The voice sent shivers down my spine.

I turned away from walking into the door and saw Blaise and Theodore.

I glared at Blaise.

"What're you doing here Zabini? Hello Theodore," I sneered at Blaise but gave a slight grin to Theodore.

"Hey Emerald, just call me Theo, only my parents call me Theodore and it's normally when they're pissed." He gave me a lopsided grin.

"I'll just excuse myself and let you both talk." He hurried past Blaise and me awkwardly.

I looked at Blaise and noticed he was dressed as a Black Smith. Theo, I saw was a Ninja, I think.

"You look gorgeous," Blaise told me and I was taken aback.

"Erm, thank you?" I said it more like a question.

He rubbed the back of his neck.

"I guess I'll go in... Do you, I don't know, want to hang out or?" He seemed nervous.

"Uh, sure..." I trailed off and he opened the door for me, just like Hogsmede.





She was still mad. I knew she was. I was a total dick to her the night after we got back from Hogsmede. She's just so confusing and intriguing it's aggravating me. I have a job I must do, or he won't be pleased and I can't let him kill my mother.

But Emerald. She was amazing. I've known her about a month now and she was all I could think about. Her sapphire eyes lit up a room it was magnificent, but then I went and fucked up.

That night after I got back from Hogsmede I broke out my hidden stash of Firewhiskey and drank a good three-fourths of the bottle, then I decided to snoop around the castle and see if I could find anything out about the Minister's daughter.

Then Emerald came down the stairs from the Gryffindor common room and my blood boiled. I snuck into an empty classroom and waited until she was in front then I pulled her in.

She explained she just wanted to see her friends.

The Blood Traitor, Mudblood, and stupid Potter. I detest him almost as much as Draco.

When I had her against the wall it took every ounce of my being not to kiss her. Her unruly red curls framed her face perfectly. The black tank top she wore showed off the curves she had amongst other things and her perfume. That intoxicating smell of jasmine. It was exhilarating. I wanted nothing more but to forget everything and snog her, but I can't.

Even now watching her walk in the white dress she wore under her long black coat made it hard not to admit it. To admit I had feelings for Emerald. To admit this to her. But she detests me right now, all because I called that Granger girl a Mudblood. Do I regret it? No. Do I regret it because Emerald hates that word? Fuck yes.

Now as she and I sit on a couch talking about the Quidditch match I can't help but throw my arm behind her on the back of the couch. She didn't seem to mind. She was too busy looking around the room.

"Oh my god." She spoke.

"What?" I asked.

She pointed to a corner where there were two people snogging. One I noticed was the guy she hung out with, Drew? The other I couldn't see due to the dark lights. The music blaring from the newest album by the Weird Sisters didn't help.

"That's Drew and Marcus, a Hufflepuff. Good Lord, I don't think they've come up for air once." She laughed and smiled, obviously happy for her friend.

Her teeth weren't perfectly straight, but she had the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.

Just as I was about to compliment her smile a noise sounded over everything. It was as though time stopped.

Everyone moved in slow motion, then I saw it. Someone lay on the ground in front of the punch bowl. Not moving.

Emerald screamed and I wrapped my arms around her waist as she tried to get up and run towards the body.

On the floor, her friend Brittany lay unconscious, with a sickening cut along her face.

Emerald // B.Z. #1 AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant