Chapter 17

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"Tell us what really happened to Nina Combs." The police officer sitting in front of me asked.

"Who the fuck is Nina Combs?" I asked, in a calm voice.

"The woman you murdered,"

"She was trespassing." I stated.

"Trespassing?" he said. "It is my understanding that you're married to Armani Gonzalez. Am I correct?"

I nodded.

"Why did you shoot her?"

"I didn't shoot her. The other bitch did, that's why I killed her." I lied.

The officer nodded, "I want to believe everything you're saying, I really do."

"It's the truth,"

The door swung open and another officer walked in. "What's it sounding like?"

"Manslaughter." the officer answered, "Nina Combs shot Armani Gonzalez, as a defense, Ms. Desiree here, shot and killed Nina Combs."

I meant to shoot Armani. But I didn't mean to kill her. I don't even think I killed her. She was still alive when I they took me away.

"Until somebody comes to bail you out, you'll be here."



I groaned from the pain in my side but still got out of the hospital bed. I knew I shouldn't of fucked that bitch, but I still did it anyway. Bet I won't do that shit again. Nosa, Desiree gon kill me for real.

Just as I was about to leave the room, my doctor came in, telling me to sign the discharge papers. After I signed them, I went home.

It didn't feel right at home.

I picked up my phone and called Ray,

"What's the move?" I asked,

"Nigga, you need to be on yo way to get Desiree."

"She in jail?"


I sighed, "I'm on my way now."

"Aye, uh.. What happened?"

"That's a story for another day." I said.

"Whatever. You'll tell me when I see you later tonight." he said. "Call me later, ight?"

"Ight." I said before hanging up.


"How many I help you today?" the officer at the front desk asked.

"I need to post bail for Desiree."

"Desiree who?"


It feels weird calling her that.

"The model?" the officer asked, sounding surprised.

I stared at him with a blank expression while he told me how much of a fan he was of Desiree. "I just saw her newest photo shoot. It was great."

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Officer Bryan Reynolds," he extended his hand. "I can get you some of her magazines if you do me a favor."

He leaned in, "What kind of favor?"

Just as I was about to tell him, Desiree was walking in. I didn't speak to her, just like she didn't speak to me. "I'll come back soon to talk to you, aight?"

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