My lips form a frown in response as I open the fridge, "I don't pay attention to that.. and as for acting, what do you mean?"

"I know you don't pay attention to that because you're you, but not in that way, like, I mean that she seems a little skinner to you? In like a short period of time for someone to lose weight? As for acting, she's more tired, kind of weird about food?" Hayley keeps asking questions, my mind suddenly racing trying to figure out what she's getting at.

"I... I mean I don't know. Maybe? Why do you ask all this, Hayley?" I look through the fridge, unable to find the fruit I put here like almost an hour ago.

"Look, I know I'm just a medical student and you might think I don't know anything but Rachel has really been trying to lose weight in the wrong way for the wrong reasons. This is stuff I even learned when I was younger. It's all psychological. I told her I would keep shut if she stopped but she isn't. She's showing all the signs and I've noticed that it's not been that long and she's looking a bit skinnier. She wouldn't admit it if you asked though, and from what I know, she probably thinks she hasn't lost a pound. Her mind is tricking her," she rambles on, worrying me with her words and sending my mind reeling on if I can pinpoint any of this.

"Harry, she's not eating, she didn't have like anything yesterday. I told her to eat and she didn't. Please tell me that you guys had dinner before she got ready at home? That there was actual food at that party, and that she didn't drink too much?"

I look up from the fridge, "I told her to eat at home since she wanted to get home quickly. As for food, there was just cake and she had a slice, and she drank a bit but not a lot, though she's got a killer hangover at the moment that I'm trying to get her off of."

"Fuck," she curses under her breath. "Harry this isn't good, she's not good right now she—"

"What's this about not eating? How do you know?" I ask with a lot of disbelief and some anger, way more concerned now. "I encouraged her to eat, I always do."

"She thinks she's smart enough just putting the food back and hiding it. Don't be pissed at me, I care about her just as you do. See for yourself, any food hiding way back in the fridge so it's not something you can check and obviously see that more has been added to it," Hayley says matter-of-factly. "Or food hiding back there to be forgotten about later, then thrown out."

My brows furrow as I look down into the fridge, suddenly reminded about the fruit I was looking for and I clear my fridge to the back of it, seeing the box of it hiding in the back with more fruit inside. Next to it I see a box with the egg I made in it, and I'm assuming the toast was put back as well.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," I mutter in shock.

"I told you! Wait, when was that from, please tell me that's not from this morning? If she hasn't eaten even this morning and she's drank... oh my gosh. If she keeps this up she can start losing her hair."

"She's been so weak, so tired, so loopy..."

"Harry," Hayley gets more serious than I've ever thought she could, "she hasn't eaten properly in a long while and consumed alcohol on an empty stomach. That's why she's still probably a bit drunk. She is not stable right now, go check on her she could collapse—"

I hang up the fucking phone and throw it on the counter, running as fast as I can to the bathroom where I hear the water still running without the sound of movement and push open the door, to find Rachel loosing consciousness on the floor of the shower.

lovestruck † hs Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ