Part 13

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Knock knock!
Who is there?

I know I'm way too late but I guess writing a book on watty alone can't pay my bills. I'm kind of working now. I did write this update in instalments and has been erased and written thrice. I got a writer's block I guess. Nevertheless, I apologise because this time I actually took longer than the usual. I want to finish this Manan FF soon so that I can write a general fiction. Anyway, here you go lads and ladies!

Will be Replying to all your comments on previous updates soon!

Hit the star below and comment.

Lots of Love,


Nandini POV

The bright rays of sun woke me up. I looked around and saw Manik lying on the recliner next to my recliner. Then I remembered last night, we talked about his past. He opened up to me last night, he let his walls down. I knew there was something that has ruined him and made him the way he is today. There's always a reason behind every person to be the way they are. This man who, today, has so many people running after him has been so lonely. But he has to live a little, he needs to fly a little and I'm going to help him in doing that.  I promise.

With my new found resolution I started to wake Manik up who was sleeping peacefully.

"Maaaanikkkkk", I said in a sing song.

"Maaaaaniiiiikkk", I sang again.

What is wrong with this guy.

"Manik", I called out in my normal voice while shaking him a little.
Why wouldn't he get up?

"Maaaanik", this time I yelled.

He got up abruptly and then started looking around until his gaze set on me. He thought for a minute or two, probably remembering whatever has happened last night. I expected a smile from him.

"Are you mad?", he shouted. " why do you have to shout early in the morning? And your voice is so irritating."

I looked at him. I was at a loss of words. This is something I didn't expect. I thought things might get awkward, sure, but ugly? NO.

"Now what are looking at. I know I'm hot but can you get your ugly face out of my sight so I can focus on more beautiful things!", he said with an arrogant smirk.

I was so close to letting out the tears that were now brimming my eyes. No one has been this rude to me.
I didn't expect this and what he said what out of line.


I don't care what he thinks, what he says and what he has been through. Last night was an exception but from now on nothing will happen that will make him think he can say whatever he wants to say. I'm his PA and from now we will be going back to what we were on day 1.

"Sir, you have a meeting with a certain Mr. Holter in an hour. I had to wake you up otherwise you would have missed it. You told me to keep it on number one on your priority list.", with this I turned around and walked inside the house, without giving a single glance to him.

I went to my room and got ready in my office wear. I might be needed to attend the meeting. I went downstairs and saw  the house-maid in the kitchen. I smiled at her.

"What would you and sir like to have?"

"Simple sandwich and Asian tea for me. As for sir you can make him black coffee and some eggs. He prefer eggs in the morning.", I told her.

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