Part 9

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I can't thank you all for your support!
A few important things:
1- I'm not ending this ff anytime soon, even if KYY might end. The purpose of fanfiction is to relive the essence of the show, and this is what I'll be doing.
2- people who are constantly messaging me to watch out my content, its cheap and stuff , one thing for you all: DON'T READ IT THEN. I've mentioned in the summary that it has some adult content. If you don't like it don't read it.
3- a few of you have shown interest to send banners and cover for the ff, you're most welcome to do that. I'll be highly obliged to receive them. Message me I'll let you know how you can do that! 
4- sorry for not replying to your comments and messages this week, I promise I'll do that tonight!

Do vote and comment! Your votes and comments always leaves me smiling.
Also, do read aakriti_baweja 's new MaNan ff Lave Just Happens, you all will love it!



I don't know what was going on in my mind. Being around Nandini makes me do all the crazy things. She has been the only person I've let myself close to after college.

I don't have friends now just acquaintances. My relationships with women have just been for the purpose of sex and that's the end. With Nandini,  I find myself letting my guards down. May be its just the aura that surrounds her, she makes me comfortable or may be her reputation of a trustable person back in college, I have let myself be happy around her. But this bet, can you blame me? Nandini is hot and sexy and yes like every other girl I want the same from her. What's the difference? The difference is I want a little more from Nandini.
No, I've not fallen for her or anything dangerous like that but I do want her around me even after all that. But she is the only girl who had refused me, not once but at so many instances. Every time I would get close to her, to kiss her to feel her she would just back away. I want her to stay though, As a friend may be. We can call ourselves friends, right? Can we?

I rushed out of my office and went to her desk. She was sitting on her chair facing away from her desk, probably eating a chocolate. She always eats chocolates like this, turning the back of her revolving chair towards her desk. I moved right just behind her chair, leaning on her desk.

I twirled her chair, now she was facing me. She shrieked in shock.
Such a kid, tch tch!
She was eating completely melted chocolate. There was chocolate all over her hands and near her lips.

She realised that it was me.

"Manik, what's wrong with you? You scared me!", she said while taking a breathe of relief.

"Nandini what are we?", I asked.

She narrowed her eyes.

"What do you mean by Nandini what are we?", she said while imitating me.

"Nandini don't be funny when you don't have even a single funny bone in your body. Now tell me what are we? What will you call us?", she asked.

"Manik you run one of the World's top firms and all you have in your mind is what I will call us", she said while making face.

I shrugged and she sighed.

"We are Friends.", she said.

"Cool. Acha Nandini about that bet."

"Yeah what about it", she said looking anywhere but at me.

"I was serious about that!"

"Okay", she gulped.

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