Chapter 27 - Going Over The Contract

Start from the beginning

"It's good to see you." He says and pulls back.

"Yeah you too." I smile and sit back down. "So how are you?" I ask.

"I'm great. But you.." He looks down at the magazine and starts to read.

"I'm okay. I'm used to it." I smile. "Nick thank you so much again for helping Nathan out the other night." I sigh.

"It's honestly no problem." He shrug. "That reminds me. Congratulations." He smiles. I don't return a smile and look away from him as I palce my chin on my knuckles and look out the window.

I need a lawyer for this whole contract thing. But i'm scared to tell Nick about this engagement being fake. What the hell is he going to think of me when I tell him?

"Where's your ring?" He asks.

"I'm going to need your help again, Nick." I say nervously. Nick goes quiet for a minute as we just stare at eachother.

"Alright. I'm all ears." He nods.

For the past hour I explain everything to Nick and tell him about the engagement being fake. He stays quiet most of the time as he eats and listens to me carefully.

"And now Paul and Leroy told us to have lawyers ready." I sigh. Nick stares at me blankly and blinks a few times as he keeps quiet. "Nick! Say something." I sigh.

"If this whole engagement thing is fake..." He says slowly in a serious tone.

"Yes." I nod for him to carry on.

"Does that mean I still have a chance at being your boyfriend again?" He asks, cracking a smile.

"Nick." I tut.

"Whaaat? It's a question." He laughs. I shake my head at him and lean back into my seat as I watch Nick finish of his dessert.

"So? Are you going to help me then?" I ask.

"I don't see why not." He shrugs with a light smile still playing on his lips.

"Thank you." I return a smile.

"I gotta ask though. How is this whole engagement thing like? You know since its all just an act." Nick says as he pushes his empty plate away.

"Hard. Really fucking hard!" I sigh and push my hair back in frustration. "It's annoying when he has all these girls around him when i'm sitting right there." I add.

"Is that-" Nick start but I cut him off.

"We argue all the fucking time now or just completely ignore eachother." I say as I sit up and and lean foward.

"Maybe you-" Nick says but I cut him off again.

"Like one minute you can't stop staring at me and touching me and the next minute you have your arms wrapped around other women! What the hell is up with that!" I say getting louder.

"Touchi-" Nick cuts in but I cut him off again.

"I regret letting him kiss me I just should have-" I quickly stop talking and bury my face in embarrassment.

"So." Nick grins. "This is about you and him sleeping together?" Nick says leaning foward.

"We did not sleep together!" I huff.

"But you would've if he didn't go around with other girls?" Nick says tilting his head to the side slightly.

"I don't know." I sigh and bury my face in my hands as I shake my head. "It was a kiss that's all. I'm acting like a virgin. A virgin that hasn't been kissed before. Like why can't I stop thinking about it!" I huff.

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