Chapter Eleven.....Arts of betrayal (part two)

Start from the beginning

Hassan seemed oblivious that Layla and Raudhah was actually talking about him all the while. He just walked ahead, dragging me along with him as he waved his hands in the air so that they could see him from behind, "Well bye then. And, um, good luck with finding your mate Raudhah, wish you all the best."

Layla and Raudhah's bickering was slowly fading into thin air as the distance between us grew further. Hassan seemed uninterested to find out what it was about anyway. It's so scary how his expression changes from time to time. One moment, he's kind to everyone. The next, the dark side of him unveiled! The same reason why he has been bullying me for two weeks and intimidating me but never once caught! He's actually very good at hiding it. Very good. He'll just look away and face them with his fake forced smile and kind ways again. It really freaked me out.

Dup dup. Dup dup.

My body stiffened with every step alongside him, walking away to god knows where. His arms are no longer resting on my shoulder as if he already knew I was going to walk beside him and just go along with him. Do I have a choice really? A sweat broke down from my forehead and I was hiding my shivering hands; not wanting to show him any fear. I wanted to run away, but the last time I tried, it didn't end up well in fact worse. I don't want to push my luck.

What I am most scared about?

That other side of him. Way hidden inside him and unexpected. The one that unleash the devil ghost. The ghost - who I contemplated, might be a Jin like my mother once told me about- who really wanted me dead and have tried several times but somehow my luck had saved me on the last minute.

Will I be that lucky this time? I prayed to Allah to protect me once again.


"Some weird friends you got there." Hassan voiced after our long awkward silence walking along the narrow pathway which I only followed obediently. I resist myself from snorting and just kept quiet. Weird? Did he even look at himself? Maybe then he should reconsider what weird is.


"I mean, this 'angelic kind' act is really KILLING me for god sake! It's draining my every energy and so F****** exhausting!" I was taken aback by him swearing and grew uncomfortable; I never swear. There it is, his dark side. I'm just counting down the minutes before it grew further down to the ghost. I really, really prayed she stayed in there and never meet me again.

"You know, so far I've only been able to really be myself around you without worry. Well, now that you already know me so well, so like what the hell right?" He chose to step above rock to rock than above the ground like a normal person, jumping gracefully without slipping as he spread out his arms in the air to balanced himself- he did it like an expert. I sighed. He looked pretty chilled for someone who potentially might kill someone else; me. All the while, he kept a close watch on me.

"Well, I guess not everything. There is a little something else about me you don't know about me..." He shrugged as if it wasn't that big of a deal.

Dup dup. Dup dup. could it be?

"What is it?" I pressed.

He chuckled. "A little impatient here are we? It's a secret. My little dirty secret," he chuckled lightly again. "It's very dark. No one knows of it. I shouldn't tell anyone to begin with."

"What?!" My voice deadpanned, tired of his games. I didn't dare to shout, but it isn't exactly soft either the way I said it.

He looked at me briefly and stopped on his tracks momentarily as he look into my eyes. I didn't dare look back in fear it wasn't grey and had turned black. It didn't, I resumed breathing again. "None of your business. No one knows and I plan on sticking that way. It's better, ya know? Everyone just suck at keeping secrets. All they could care about was themselves and their own selfish satisfaction." He continued walking but eyed me at his last sentence. I looked down immediately as I sense who he was talking about and guilt immediately flooded me. I'm partly at fault which was what got me here in the first place.

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