Most of all I'm scared. 

"We will understand if you want to back out of this Kylie, you are young and we won't hold it against you if you want to walk away from this." Mr Wells spoke softly.

"Did my mother walk away? Did her mother walk away? And her mother before her? I will not walk away, I will not be the first Evanguard to turn their back on something we are born to do. Females in my family are born to become great leaders and I know I have a lot to learn but I just hope one day I can make them proud." 

A smile makes it's way onto his face, like the smile he gave me when I showed him my chosen element. 

"I think you already have Kylie" He smiled softly "You didn't grow up as a witch like them but yet you are handling yourself better then anybody. Anyone would have run for over the hills when they found out about werewolves but not you and at that time you didn't even know about your true identity." 

"I guess that makes me insane right?" I joked making him chuckle.

"No, that makes you an Evanguard you will never turn your back on werewolves ever" 

I smiled at that, for the past few days spending with Mr Wells we built a strong bond between us. He's my mentor and I will be forever grateful for him. 

After our breakfast we found ourselves in a hospital ward where the wounded werewolves were taken. It was good to know that the chef surgeon in this hospital is a werewolf putting me at ease. 

"What are we doing here?" I frowned. 

We stood infront of the injured werewolves that can't heal themselves so they are relying on medicine to improve their health. 

"Do you know why some werewolves can't heal themselves after an accident?" 

"No, why?" 

I look over at them and frowned at the young faces lying in that hospital beds. 

"It's not just the physical wounds they have to heal it's mentally and that's the bit that takes the hardest time to heal. In some trauma cases like this they are reliving the torture that has been done to them over and over preventing them to heal themselves." Mr Wells open the door allowing me to enter. 

The nurses saw us and greeted us in familiarity with Mr Wells and left us alone with the patients. We walk closer to one girl who is in a coma, her wrists are broken and have a major brain injury. 

"She's only 16 years old and she was the worst of them all her name is Stella." 

Her face seem so innocent with button nose and freckles along her cheeks and nose. 

"That's where you can help them Kylie" Mr Wells face me. 

"How?" I look at him oblivious. 

"What is remarkable about your family is you can help werewolves get through any sadness in their lives and you help them cope by being in that traumatic memory with them. You see a glimpse of their memory and you carry that sadness for them and what you feel in that moment is not sadness or pain but a new form of connection with each individual werewolf. You don't erase their pain you help them get through it." 

He smiled in awe of what my family is capable of and I am too in adoration of this ability to heal someone like that. 

"Is it only werewolves I can help?" 

"I'm not really sure if you can do that with humans, it's never been done before." Mr Wells shrugged. "Place your hand on top of her" 

I did as told placing it above her hands looking at him for more instructions. 

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