Chapter 34

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Gif of Victor as Douglas Booth. He will finally make an appearance in this chapter! :')

Warning longest chapter in this book. 


After the incident with Abby the first person to run up to her was Rob he even beat Conor. We made sure she is safe but she kept insisting she's fine waving us off for being dramatic. The first thing she said to us is she needed a drink which made us chuckle relief that she still has her sense of humor. It takes a lot more to break Abby. 

I hugged her for the longest time, all my fear vanished making me breathe easier. 

We called Tyler straight after that and told him about everything that has happened. The werewolves that had suffered changed back into their human form and when they did. I saw the true impact of the torture and violence that happened to them. 

Most of them is covered burns and deep cuts but the worst ones had broken many ribs that they couldn't move from the floor. There is about twenty of them and most of them are young and I can't hide the emotions I feel about this. 

The sadness I feel for them is clear on my face. As if Tate felt if too he grab hold of me and hugged me tightly. His simple touch had my heart calm making me lean against him tiredly not realizing how much I needed that until he touched me. 

I didn't understand it though, I didn't understand why they weren't healing. When Tyler saw what had happened his face paled as I explained everything. He didn't say much that night but I see despair and regret in his face. The responsibility of being an Alpha of this pack is causing him guilt to see his people hurt and not knowing a single about this. 

Two days had passed and Abby has been doing perfectly well because Conor bought her creme glazed donuts to keep her happy. 

It's Monday morning when Mr Wells rang his obnoxious loud bell in my room at 5:30 in the morning. I literally rolled out off the bed with the bed sheets tangled against me. 

"Wake up sunshine." Mr Wells greet happily.

"I'm going to kill you" I groan curling myself into a ball wishing he would go away. 

"Get up now or I will make read 100 pages of the history of witches." He threatened.

"You can't do that" I whined poking my head out the covers seeing the darkness of my room. 

I glared up at Mr Wells who wore a grey sweater with dark jeans pairing it with his old boots. 

"You want to test me and find out?" His eyes gleam with mischievousness making me think he likes to see me suffer "You have 10 minutes to get ready..starting now!" 

With that I got up finally ignoring the heavy way my eyelids demands to be close. Once I was done I met him in the backyard where he hand me a cup of coffee and peach pastry making me almost forgive him for waking me up. Almost.

 "Why do we have to get up so early anyway?" I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Because dear Kylie you need to learn quick and fast about everything since you will make an announcement to all werewolves that you are alive this week and you will need to decide on what you want to do." Mr Wells press his lips in a tight line. 

I frown deeply knowing my time is shortened but the fact that I need to make a final decision if I want anything to do with this is dawning on me. I can't just say I'm too young and I don't want the responsibility of protecting werewolves, werewolves that are human. I have no skills, not enough knowledge to pull it off. 

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