
"Yeah, I'm not catching on. You say he's a fictional creature that has other people who want to kill him?"

"Pretty much yeah. But it's a lot crazier than that."

"What's crazier than having people out to kill you?"

"Well, for example, a long time ago-" I start to retell the Decreasing story but Zay cuts me off sharply.

"Ok you've told her enough." His lethal tone quiets me. "Savannah, you must swear to keep this between us."

She merely stands up and faces him head on. "I trust Amber with my life. But how do I know that you haven't lied to her?"

He growls lowly. "You want me to prove it?" I stand up.


Zay does the incredible and purposely flashes his golden eyes for her. I try to ignore the jealousy.

"Holy shit." Her arms hang limply at her sides. Zay is about to give her more proof but Savannah says, "I believe you."

"Really? You don't want to see anything else cool?" I ask, flabbergasted. I still want to know more about what he can do.

"I know stuff will come up in time."

Zay looks confused as ever. "You're not scared? What the fuck is wrong with you two? Any sane person would have run after hearing what you guys know." He runs a hand through his mesmerizing brown hair and starts muttering about humans.

I giggle. "I guess we're not sane."

His head snaps up as soon as I laugh. A dazed half smile replaces his irritated face. "I guess not," he chuckles.

"Ahem," Savannah clears her throat. "You mean a lot to Amber, so I'll keep your secret. But even if I were to tell someone, who would believe me?"

"You believed Amber," he says back just as haughty.

"Good point, good point."

Savannah's phone dings, so she pulls it out and starts texting. I wait for her to finish, but when she starts to laugh I grow impatient.

"We were talking," I state.

She glances to me. "Sorry, Ethan texted me. He wanted to..never mind." She shuts up when she sees I don't care. "Okay, bye Zay. As much as I would love to talk more about you and your supernatural quirks, our girl's night starts in five minutes. So scurry along."

"You can't kick me out of someone else's house. It's as much my house as it is yours."

"No, not really," she shoots back. They just won't quit.

Zay opens his mouth to speak, but I interrupt him. "Alright, good talk. I'll escort you to the front."

He eyes my window. "I could easily just jump through the window. That would be quicker." He's dead serious too.

"Or, you could be a normal person and walk through the front door."

He smirks. "I'm not a normal person."

Knowing I won't win this with words, I grab his arm and pull him out of my room. "Geez, I think Savannah was lying when she said you don't work out," he says. I guess I have a knack for dragging him places.

"Nice meeting you Mrs. Garden! You have a lovely daughter," he says to my mom as we pass through the kitchen.

"Ah, thank you dear. Lovely meeting you too," she calls before I drag him outside.

He stands on my porch, looking more than glum that he has to leave. "Can't I just stay a while?" he asks. However, he already senses the answer to that question. He sighs. "I'll just, miss you."

I grasp his hands and smile as he holds them to his chest. "We can go out tomorrow."

A frown appears on his face. "I'm busy tomorrow. In fact, I'll be gone the whole day. I have stuff to do with my dad."

"Oh...well we'll find time." I want to ask what stuff he has to do, but I feel like that would be intruding. He brings my hands from his chest to his lips with a gentle kiss. My heart thrums at his touch.

"I'll be close, okay?"

I have to laugh at that one. "Well duh, we're neighbors. Your house is right next door."

"Well, sometimes I may be closer than you think," he says. He winks at me and releases my hands, walking slowly back to his house. Watching me with a dazzling smile the whole way.

slow updates, sorry. But thank you to everyone who voted and commented on my book, I was so happy when I saw it! :) ❤

Tell me if there's anything wrong with this update. wattpad was messing things up while I was writing...

anywho, hope you enjoyed! Vote&comment

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