Know You Better (Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift)- Chapter 1

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-Chapter 1-

"Omg Taylor, that was amazing!"

"Best show yet, Taylor!"

"Taylor, that was incredible!"

So many people were giving her so many compliments, it was hard for Taylor to answer everyone.

"Thankyou so much everyone!" Taylor Swift grinned at all the backstage crew and staff that had been praising her. She tossed her straight blond hair over her shoulder as she tried to make her way through the crowds of staff.

"That means so much, thanks!" She said to the next person to compliment her performance. "I honestly couldn't do it without you guys!"

Eventually she managed to push her way through the crowds of people, and made her way to her car. It had been the second to last show of her tour and, despite all the fun she'd had, she couldn't wait to get into her bed now. Taylor started the engine and put on the radio. Her own song Love Story blasted through the speakers.

"Oh wow, seriously?!" Laughed Taylor. She started to drive, pulling out of the car park, hardly beginning able to hear her song over her screaming fans.

"I have the best fans in the world!" Taylor whispered to herself, smiling as she did. Despite the fact that it was her own song playing, she couldn't help but sing along. The next song up was Who Says by her best friend Selena Gomez, which made her smile and sing even more.

As she pulled off a roundabout, nearing the hotel that she was staying in now, another song came on. A song she didn't recognise. Over the guitar intro, the radio presenter began to talk.

"Your listening to Radio North, it's 8:46pm and we've just listened to Love Story by Taylor Swift and then Who Says by Selena Gomez. Up now though, we have one of my personal favourites This by Ed Sheeran. Enjoy!"

As she finished what she had been saying, a male voice began to sing.

This is the start of something beautiful,
This is the start of something new,

"Ed Sheeran..." Taylor muttered to herself "He's good!"

You are the one that makes me loose it all
You are the start of something new

Even though she had only heard the song for the first time, Taylor found herself humming along to the tune.

And I throw it all away
And watch you fall into my arms again
And I throw it all away
And watch you fall, now

"Such deep lyrics, I love it!" Taylor couldn't stop herself from trying to sing along to the lyrics.

You are the earth I will stand upon
You are the words I will sing

Taylor found herself parked in her hotel car park. But something was stopping her from dragging her bags to her room and falling asleep. She couldn't leave without listening to the end of the song.

And I've thrown it all away
And watched you fall into his arms again
And I've thrown it all away
And watched you fall, now

And take me back
Take me home
Watch me fall
Down to earth
Take me back

This is the start of something beautiful
You are the start of something new

Not being able to stop herself, Taylor clapped at the radio, drowning out the beginning of the next song being played. It was as though she had heard it played live, like her applause would somehow reach the singer and show her appreciation of the song. It didn't make any sense, but that's how she was feeling at the moment. Too many emotions all in one.

When she stopped clapping, Taylor could now hear the song that had come on next.

Her name is Noellle
I have a dream about her
She rings my bell
I got gym class in half an hour

Although Taylor loved that song, she switched off her car radio and dragged herself out of her car, dragging her bags behind her towards the hotel. That song was great. Amazing. It was a classic song, but she knew it wouldn't effect her the way This by Ed Sheeran had. She'd never heard of him before. She'd never listened to his music before. She'd never even seen him before, but somehow a part of her knew she had to meet him.

She just had to.

So yeah this was the first chapter:) this is the first book I've started to write on here, so please tell me what you think. Vote pleeeease, thanks!:D

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