Chapter 14: Reunions

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The doorbell rang as I raced down the stairway to answer the door. Peeking through the curtain on the doors window, of course. It was the gang. Of course, I told them my parents would be out of town for just five days and they come racing over for a get together.

"Hey guys." I said to them, Katelyn and Kinsey, Joey and Denise, and Samarah and Jamo.

They all came in and we all ran upstairs to my room, where Kinsey and Katelyn made comfortable living spaces on my floor and Joey and Jamo sat on my bed as Denise and Samarah sat together in an large armchair placed beside my bed.

"So let's go over this again." Kinsey repeated.

"Isaac died from being possessed by a demon, Emily died from being suffocated, by a demon, Landyn died from being possessed by a demon. Will got a concussion from Landyn, who was possessed by a demon. And finally, Griffin got killed by the demon." Kinsey asked.

"Kinsey, just drop it. It's been about a month since all of that happened. Let it go, the demon obviously did." Joey joked.

"Yeah, we're safe now." Katelyn replied, I don't know if she meant it though.

The time during the night passed. We ordered a pizza and ate it peacefully and joked around the whole night. When it came time, I gave Katelyn and Kinsey my bedroom, Samarah and Jamo my brothers room, and Joey and Denice the guest bedroom. I just slept in my parents bedroom.

A noise outside the door awoke me. I got up and looked at my phone ~1:29 A.M.~

"Really." I muttered, rubbing my eyes out of tiredness.

I slipped out into the hallway and opened my eyes in disbelief as Katelyn and Katelyn, Joey and Denise, joined me and saw that Jamo and Samarah had locked hands, their eyes closed, tumbled down the staircase.

We all ran to the staircase to see what happened and at the end of the hall was the couple hand in hand, dead, blood oozing from their heads.

"Oh my gosh." Katelyn said, staring at the end of the hallway.

"They were next." Kinsey replied, staring at the end of the hallway, like everybody else.

"We have to end this. Once and for all." Joey said.

"I think we should all go home." I told them. We all gathered our stuff and left, even I didn't feel safe, so I left to go to Kinseys house.

"Let's go to the library tomorrow. They have to have something that can help us." I told Kinsey.

"Okay, we will." I replied.

Hey guys, I just spent the last hour watching 'That so Raven' eating cheetos, writing this chapter and listening to the downpour of the rain. It's storming here right now. Ah, the wonderful life I live. Anyway, sorry for the short chapter, but for a little there's going to be some shorter chapters for awhile to get things started. Anyway, just know that if it's a short chapter, there will probably be another chapter coming soon after it.
I'd like to also remind you guys one last time that I'm going to be really busy tomorrow and I may not be able to update a lot tomorrow but I'll do my best to do a chapter or two tomorrow in between my busy schedule.
Anyway, I think I'm going to force myself to sleep now. It's either sleep or listening to the thunderstorm brewing outside my window ... :(( Anyway, I need my rest for the busy day tomorrow :/
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Love you guys! Byee

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