Chapter 12: I'm Back

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The next morning I woke up roughly. I walked down the staircase to find Katelyn sitting on the couch.

"Katelyn, are you okay?" I asked, concerned that the demon was going to take her next.

"Yeah, I'm just afraid that somebody else is going to die now." She replied.

I sat next to her and wrapped my arm around her.

"Everything will be alright. We will get through all of this together." I told her.

Everybody started coming downstairs, first Griffin and Samarah and Jamo following behind him, and Joey and Denice behind them.

The girls got to work and began to fix breakfast, delicious eggs and toast, as we all wiped toasts with jelly and mixed the eggs.

"Guys, Landyn's demon, visited me again last night." I told them, as everybody started flooding into the large kitchen to fill their plates.

"What did he say?" Kinsey asked me, concerned. Everybody was looking at me now.

"That he's coming back for us." I muttered.

"GREAT, This is just great." Katelyn said, turning around and facing the ground.

"Katelyn, calm down. Everything will work out." Joey said.

"NO. EVERYTHING WONT." That voice called out.

"SHOW YOURSELF, YOU COWARD." I screamed, looking around.

"I'M NOT STRONG ENOUGH. BUT I WILL BE." The demonic voice boomed.


Griffin floated up to the roof of the room, banging his head and falling on the floor.

Everybody ran up to Griffin, trying to get him, but he was too fast.

He fell on the ground and was dragged to the back of the hallway, towards the door. And behind us, clanging sounded, knowing again, what was going to happen.

"GET DOWN" I screamed, pulling everyone down to the floor.

I watched in horror, as a large knife made for cutting thick meat. Flew fast toward Griffin, and before he could move, the knife landed straight in his head.

"CRAP, ONE DEAD. HOW MANY ARE LEFT TO BE ALIVE?" Katelyn screamed, staring at Griffins dead body, blood oozing out of his head.

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter :P I'm going to write another tonight, but it will be a late chapter, expect something around 10:00-11:00. Next guys, I'm going to warn you that tomorrow and Friday I'm going to be really busy with Volleyball Team practicing and working at a Festival! I'll be writing on my free time between volleyball and going to the festival, so I may be able to do a chapter in the afternoon and maybe two more at night but I'll try to update for you guys!
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Love you my little ouija freaks! (Can I call you guys that :D)

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