Chapter 3: It's Gonna Get Ya

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"What happened here?" I asked, Katelyn and I running over to Landyn to help bandage him up.

"When you went into Mrs. Keowns room, Landyn started levitating, and he was thrown against the wall." Jamo explained, trying to wipe away the blood stained on his face.

"He's out. He's alive, but he passed out," Joey said,"At least he is breathing and the bleeding has died down."

Me and Katelyn continued to wrap Landyn's back where he was bleeding the most and his left arm, where he had it open cut open from the impact of the wall.

"Well we better get him on an elevated surface." I said, examining the delicacy of the wound.

Everybody looked at me surprised,
"What? My mom's a nurse and has taught me a few things" I replied, smiling.

We all lifted Landyn up and took him into Mr. Andersons room and set him in his large chair.

"Landyn is going to be the one to die first." Griffin brutally mumbled.

"Griffin, don't say that, we don't want anybody dead here today."

"Yeah, Griffin, you're going to be the first to die because you brought in that death game." Katelyn teased.

Griffin just made a face.

"I don't think I can go back to sleep over all of this scary crap." Jamo said, serious with every word.

"Me neither." I said, Katelyn, Griffin, and Joey agreeing.

"Well then why don't we have some breakfast." Joey brilliantly said.

"Let's go get Isaac and Emily up and then make some breakfast." I said, walking towards the door.

Walking into the hallway, Isaac was already up and walking down the hallway himself. He was walking slowly, but he was managing to walk down, he was probably just tired.

"Hey, Isaac, is Emily up with you?" I yelled down the hallway, he kept walking.

"Isaac, how long have you been up? We're going to go and make some breakfast, go wake up your girlfriend, Emily. Remember her?" I playfully called to him, running up behind him. Still no answer.

I tapped him on the shoulder and he suddenly just stopped. Then his hand shot out and grabbed me, still no facing me. His hand had Strangely become strong all of a sudden and extremely cold.

"Isaac what are y-" I asked him, but then he turned around, and I saw the real him.

His eyes had become blank. His pupils wide, wide enough to consume his entire eyeball. The color in his eyes fading. And his mouth, his breath smelled like death, and his jaw extending as it fell to the ground, and the voice was one of the worst.

"Is there something, wrong, Nelia?" Possessed Isaac asked.

"How do you know my name you creep." I replied, dreading the reply.

"Because I played with you last night, Nelia. I played with you, Joey, Griffin, Jamo. I played with all of you. And if you think what Isaac is now, is bad, then you aren't prepared for what is gonna happen to you." Isaac exclaimed, the voice deeper than Isaacs. A croaked voice.

His mouth continued to extend and his grip on my arm grew worse.

"GUYS, I NEED A LITTLE HELP HERE, GUYS!" I screamed, hoping they'd hear me.

"They won't help you." Isaac demonically told me.

"WHAT THE-" Katelyn screamed.

Isaac pulled my arm behind my back, forcing it to stretch at an odd angle. I screamed in pain, as he continued to twist it up my back.

"You can have her, she's no fun." Isaac demonically yelled, he knocked me down and as I turned over to look at the monster he had become.

He bent his hands towards me and flicked them forward and I was flinged forward towards the end of the hallway. I was slammed up against the wall separating Ms. Lemons and Mrs. Basham's rooms.

As I looked up, something like black smoke was lifted from Isaacs body and Isaac fell limp to the floor.

I let darkness come over and I was let out into sleep, at least I think it was sleep.

"She's up!" Griffin called.

"Nelia! You're back!" Katelyn yelled, running over to hug me.

"Hey, hey, I'm still sore." I said to her as I tried to sit up, but winced in pain.

Katelyn and Griffin helped me and helped me sit on a seat in the cafeteria.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"Only like an hour." Jamo said, walking out and Joey following him.

"What happened after I passed out?" I asked again.

"Well, we helped you into the cafeteria. And set you down. Then we got Isaac put in Mrs. Feldpausch's room to lay down and we found out that Emily is missing now." Griffin replied.

"So what are we going to do now?" I asked. Smelling the meat cooking in the kitchen of the cafeteria.

"Well, it's lunchtime now, so we are gonna have some lunch and then figure out what we have to do to get out of here!" Joey replied, dead serious.

"I'm cool with that." I said, my head pounding.

So the meat cooked and we brought the cheese and chips out and we dug in, having water as our drink.

"So what are we going to do. WiFi here at school is cut, we are locked in, and we have limited drinks and food. What are we gonna do?" Griffin asked us.

"I don't know, somebody has to come looking for us, and we have to wait for somebody to rescue us." Katelyn replied.

"Well let's hope that's soon. Emily is missing, Isaac has been possessed and Landyn is still unconscious and bleeding. And we could die any day now because of these demons. THANKS GRIFFIN FOR EVERYTHING." Jamo sarcastically said, raising his voice for thanking Griffin.

"Watch it Jamo, or you could be next." Griffin replied, standing up.

"Is that a death threat?" Jamo asked, becoming tense.

"Yeah, maybe it is, maybe it's not. We will find out." Griffin replied standing over Jamo.

Jamo stood up, glaring at Griffin, daring him to make the first move.
Griffin threw the first punch, causing Jamo to stumble backwards, in awe, and he started to walk back up to Griffin.

"THAT'S IT, STOP IT" I screamed, getting in the middle of Griffin and Jamo.

"Get out of the way, Nelia." Jamo said calmly, as Katelyn crept up behind him and grabbed him by the waist and Joey pulled Griffin back.

And all of this was just nothing compared to when we heard a scream, come nearby.

_______________________________________ Hey guys! It's me :)) I hope you guys are enjoying this story and if you think even near being over, oh you're so so wrong! Things are just getting started, and worse is to come.
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