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Hello my lovelies, this book may be triggering in some chapters for some people, please read ahead with caution. I do hope that you enjoy Say Goodbye; vote, comment, share! I'm always up for chatting if anyone has any questions.

So without further udo, here's the first chap. Happy reading!


Last night I dreamt of him. Like all the other nights before I had the pleasure of seeing his bright brown eyes and his winning smile. It's been three hundred and four days, sixteen hours, eight minutes and three...four...five seconds since I've been in his presence, since I've felt his warmth or heard his voice. I've been submerged deep within my pain for the longest time, drowning in it until the numbness became crippling. I know all about time and wounds, but what am I supposed to do right now? How am I supposed to stop the hurt that crushes me every waking moment? Nothing's the same, the colors seem different, food has lost its taste and the air seems so dense that I struggle just to breathe.

It doesn't seem to bother her though, it hadn't even been a year yet and she'd already moved on without as much as a glance back. Six months after he was no longer able to come home she had replaced him; she'd taken another's last name and given herself to him completely.

She sat across from me with a grin on her face while she laughed at whatever her husband said, the ringing in my ears only got louder as I looked at the two, my stomach formed knots as a new wave a nausea washed over me. It was absolutely sickening watching them; I resented the fact that she had moved on so quickly while I continued to battle with the memories of him and the reality I lived.

"Victoria." I tried hard not to cringe as my name passed from his lips, raising my head I saw Mark had been staring at me, steel gray eyes pierced into me and I had to avert my gaze.

"Do you need something?" I mumbled as stood from my seat, I reached for the zip on my hoodie and pulled it up. Grabbing my armband and my phone I quickly put it in place before I snatched up my earphones and faced Mark.

He smiled gently at me as I approached him; we both stepped out of the front door as I pulled the door close behind me. "Tonight, we're going to have a guest, your mother wants to take you shopping when you get back from your run."

"I have enough clothes in my closet, I'll just chose something in there" I told him as I put my earphones in.

As I turned away from him, Mark caught my arm causing me to flinch and yank my hand away. Goosebumps rose on my skin as I clenched my fist tightly, willing them to stay at my sides. The tension was building in the air and by the look on Mark's face; he was hurt by my reaction toward him.

I didn't care.

I wanted him to disappear from my sight.

"The person that's coming, he's important here, your mom wants to make a good impression; I'd love it if you met him. This really means a lot to me" he pleaded.

"Tell my mother I'll go with her when I get back" I had already had enough of him that I could take, getting rid of him was all I wanted.

A grin appeared on his face showing the charming smile my mother had fallen for, he made a move to hug me but my glare had caused him to stop in his tracks. Instead he patted me awkwardly on the head before he cleared his throat "I'll tell your mother, have fun on your run, and remember not to wander off too far okay?" after that he turned around went back into his house.

I briskly headed toward the woods, finding the usual spot I did my warm up routine before I broke off into a jog down the path I've taken since I arrived in this dreadful place. As I ran the pounding of the music in my ears drowned out all other sounds around me; adrenaline surged through me as I gradually picked up my pace. Things that I used to enjoy, like the vibrant green of the leaves and the golden sunlight peeking through the branches had all turned dull and gray. While everyone around me seemed to having the time of their lives I was stuck with a dark cloud over my head while it continued to rain in my heart. I don't think I'll ever find that silver lining or reason to smile.

My lungs burned in need of air as I continued to push my limits despite my thighs screaming in protests. I felt as a bead of sweat rolled down my forehead and the cool breeze of the morning whisked it away.

I looked forward to this, it was time away from my mother and Mark, it was one thing that hadn't changed in the last ten months...it was one thing I was in control of.

The sudden hand on my right shoulder caused my awareness to spike, my body moved on auto pilot as it jerked to a stop before I took a step back and aimed my elbow at my attackers groin, then his ribs, when the person and stooped to my level from the pain a struck them once more in the face.

I turned abruptly getting a good look at the person; a young man writhed on the ground while he held his head in pain. I noticed movement at my right and my eyes immediately darted to the attention. The boy wasn't alone; he had three others with him who was all staring at me in shock.

Removing my earphones, the sounds of the outside world was not welcomed.

"Shane...you alright?" the only girl that was among them asked the man who was now making an effort to stand.

"Fuck. That hurt like a son of a bitch" Shane groaned, he chuckled then turned his attention to me, "you're quite the little fighter."

I stared at the man passively; he was quite tall and well-built, blonde hair and blue eyes, the classics. A typical model or pretty boy.

"Was there a reason you stopped me?" I asked; I wasn't in the mood for socializing with anyone especially not with the pretty boy and his friends.

"You're Mark's daughter right?" the girl asked. My jaw locked as anger rushed through me, I wasn't his fucking anything!

"Step-daughter" I replied through clenched teeth, I tried my best not to glare at the girl as she smiled at me.

"Since Mark had met you and your mother he wouldn't stop bragging about you! Word got out pretty quick about how gorgeous you two were, then when you arrived everyone couldn't wait to see you guys." The brunette gushed "I'm Bonnie by the way."

"Pleasure" I forced a smile on my face as I shook her hand. She also introduced the two others as Andre and Lance; apparently they were doing rounds when they noticed me. Within a matter of minutes, Bonnie had managed to tell me her life's story which only vexed me the more I stood in their presence. She wasn't at all shy about public displays of affection since she and Lance were all over each other despite having two friends and a perfect stranger standing in front of them.

Watching them made me sick to my stomach; they reminded me so much of how my mother was with her new husband. I prayed that they'd just vanish.

"Well, it was nice meeting you but I think I'll get back to my run now" I announced.

"Didn't Mark tell you there was a trail you should stay on?" Lance frowned, every time they mentioned that replacement my anger only grew.

"Is there a problem?" I questioned.

"Yea, you were about to cross the territory line. It's fine if you want to run but it'd be a pain to Alpha if you were exposed to danger since you're human and all" Shane said casually. My eyes darted to pretty boy once again as his words replayed in my mind.

Territory line? Alpha? Why was he stating the obvious fact that I was human like he wasn't? I blinked hard trying to make sense of what he just said.

"What are you talking about?" I demanded.

"Shane, we have to head back. Now." Mr. Tall, Dark and silent also known as Andre decided to speak up. He glared at Shane as he grabbed him by the arm and pushed him in the opposite direction.

My mind was clouded with confusion, there was obviously something not right with them, who the hell go into the woods half naked? And what the hell kind of nonsense was pretty boy spouting?

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