Ugh. Now this bitch has me all in my feelings like Drake. I shook the thoughts out my head as I gathered my things and went downstairs. I grabbed a few snacks for Christian, the keys to my Lambo, and was out the door.

4 Hours Later

Everything had been flowing perfectly so far. Christian got just what he needed, I went shopping with Kay a and now it was time for us to get showered and dressed. I put the last bottle of champagne on ice and trolled up the stairs to get ready. It had been a while since I got a chance to have some real fun, so tonight I was ready to get loose.

I stepped out of my clothes and into the hot shower, wetting my hair in the process. After shampooing & conditioning my hair and washing myself, I stepped out of the shower. I wrapped my world around my body and a smaller one around my hair. The door flew open and Kaya stood in the doorway fanning the air. "You washed your hair? How long is that about gonna take to dry now Madi? Damn, you need to hurry up." She said. "Relax Kaya. Damn. What's wrong with you?" I laughed. "Sorry. I just want tonight to go right." She smirked. "Mhm. What you got up your sleeve?" I said walking into the room to get dressed. "Oh nothing." She giggled. "Right." I said joining her. "Just be ready in an hour." She said before walking out the room.

I dried my hair, added some moose to my hair, which calmed down my curls just a little, and sprayed it with some oil sheen. I had 30 minutes to finish getting ready and I still had to do my makeup and get ready. I quickly pulled my jeans on, along with my top. I did my makeup and my shoes were the last to go on. I added a little more lip gloss and sprayed some perfume.

"Madison Nicole! You better be-" "I better what?" I smirked as Kaya busted through the door. "You better WERK!" She screamed making me laugh. "You look cute too. Who you trying to impress?" I said fusing her outfit. "You'll see later." She grinned. I shook my head, knowing there would be trouble tonight. "Let's go. I think I hear the door." She said pulling me down the stairs.

I walked into the kitchen as Kaya went to answer the door. "Hey y all. You're actually on time." I heard Kaya giggle. "Come in. Madison's in the kitchen." "Hey boo." Heather said hugging me from the back. I turned around to see her holding a bottle of Patron. "Hey gorchess." I smiled. I took the bottle from her hand and grabbed the tray of shot glasses I had put out before. I turned them up and opened the bottle, pouring shots for the four of us. "Trell, Kaya bring your asses." Heather yelled into the living room. We passed them their shots and touched glasses before throwing it back.

Yup. It's gonna be a good night.

Just as Kaya predicted, everyone got here around 10. I wasn't drunk yet, but I was buzzed. Most everyone had made it, including Ashley & Austin. Those two had been M.I.A. for a minute. I felt good to have them back with the rest of the crew. The only people that weren't here yet was Chris and Lia.

The doorbell rang, but I guess no one other than me heard it. Everyone was either too busy drinking or too busy getting high. I pushed past everyone to open the door. I don't know if it was the second hand smoking going on or the fact that I'm buzzed but Chris was looking good as fuck. His blonde hair was peaking out from his snapback and his eyes were low, as if he was already high. My smile slowly fell as I bit the inside of my lip. I snapped back into reality when Chris cleared his throat.

"Oh. Um, come in." I blushed. I walked behind him as he greeted everyone. "Excuse me." I mumbled pushing passed him to get to the kitchen. Ashley and Heather were in the kitchen about to take shots. I snatched them both from each of their hands and quickly downed them. "Damn Madison." Ashley laughed. I could feel myself getting warmer by the second. I sat myself on the island and hicupped before giggling. "You good?" Heather asked. "Yuuuuup." I slurred slightly.

" I slurred slightly

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It had been an hour since I been here and so far, so good. Everyone seemed to be having a good time and so was I. I was high as check and on my way to drunk anytime soon. Lia said she'd be here 45 minutes ago and she still isn't here. I shook my head as I faced the rest of the Patron in the bottle. Always late.

Kaya spotted me and walked over to me. "Brown, I ain't see you all night. You good?" She asked. I nodded my head and took another swig of the bottle. "Where's Lia?" She smirked. "I don't even know. She said she'd be here." I shrugged. "Oh. Did you see Madison yet?" "Yea. She opened the color for me. Looking good as fuck." I mumbled the last part. "Hm." She hummed. "Can you find her for me? Tell her to meet in my room please." " I got you, sis." I said before pulling her into a hug. "Thanks Chris." I heard her say before walking toward Ty.

I scanned the room to try and find her. I heard her cute laughter from the kitchen, I followed it and sure enough she was sitting on the island laughing like a fool. "Madison." I called. "Chrisss. Hi!" She giggled. "Wassup?" I chuckled. "I was just telling Ashley how good you look tonight. You look sooo good Chris." She whined. "Thank you." She hiccupped. "I wanted to look good for you." She giggled. "Um, Kaya is looking for you." I said scratching my neck.

"Oh my gosh! Wh-Where is shee? I haven't seen her last night!" She slurred. "In her room, she's waiting for you." I replied. "Ok." She stood to her feet to only fall. "Oh shit." I said. I took her hand pulling her up. "Whoops." She giggled. "Come on, let me help you up the stairs."

We both staggered up the stairs, into Kaya's room. I was about to sit her on the bed when I lost my footing, making us tumble to the floor. She landed on top of me and giggled. "My bad." I chuckled. She began to laugh harder making me join her.

As we both caught our breaths, I moved one of her curls out of her face .She smiled at me before setting up on my lap. I don't know what made me do it, but I pulled her face down to mine and kissed her. She responded by wrapping her arm around my neck and stuck her tongue in my mouth. "Mmm." She moaned as we got more into it.

Before I knew it my shirt was off and Madi was grinding on me. "I miss you." she whispered. Her lips left mine to caught her breath quickly attacked mine once again. My hands found their way under her shirt and began caressing her breasts. "Mmm, Chris." She moaned again. Just as I was about to snatch her top off, I heard the door open.

Lia stood at the door with glossy eyes and a smirking Kaya. I pushed Madison off my lap before trying to plead my case. "Shit. Lia, before you jump to conclusions baby-" "Shut up Chris! I don't wanna hear shit from you!" She screamed at me before she took off down the stairs. "Fuck!" I said. I grabbed my shirt and looked over at a sobbing Madison. "Chris, I'm so sorry!" She cried. I shook my head at Kaya who was still smirking at me, and ran after Lia.

Fan of a Fan 2 (A Chris Brown Story)Where stories live. Discover now