Chapter 12- Nightmares For Days!!

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slight gore FYI and keep playing the music over and over until the end of this chapter. It sets the mood.
-Play music-
~Mark's POV~

Me and Y/n where walking hand in hand just looking at the beautiful Autumn leaves in Hollywood. We had just met up with some actors from the movie Jurassic World, such as: Chris Pratt as Owen, Bryce Dallas Howard as Claire, Omar Sy as Barry, and so on. "I want to go back its getting cold." Y/n said as we head back to the studio. On our way back Y/n passed out and soon I do too.

I wake up standing on the railing from Jurassic world. It's the scene where the pigs loose. I look over and hear a girl scream. Y/n!!!! I look down and see that the raptors are about to pounce on her. I'm wide eyed and I jump down to save her. She turns around and looks at me with angered eyes. "LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!" She yelled. "YOU LET THEM TAKE ME! YOU LET THEM TORMENT ME!! YOU ARE WORTH NOTHING TO ME!!" She screamed as the raptors look at her then me. "No! N-No Y/n listen! It's not what you think. I was trying to get to you and protect you. I swear. I love you too much for you to be taken from me." I yell as she shook her head and said "well then I might as well die then see you" then the raptors pounce on her. Blood everywhere! Her organs are ripped out of her body. I see her heart in my hands. Soon the raptors go full charge at me. "'Nooo!'NOOOOOOO!" "Mark! MARK! WHAT?! WHAT?!" Everyone came rushing in the room. I break down and start to cry. "Hey Mark? You alright?" Asked Felix and Bob. "NO! Y/N's gone and I did nothing about it." "No don't beat yourself over that! We all where around her and should of protected her! But no! You know what she was thinking? She was thinking that 'These people can't dye because of me!' I know cause that's how her family died. She blames herself for that but in reality it was her father!" Said Megan and Abby. I look down and just have guilt on my mind. Bob, Felix, Jack, and Wade sat next to me. Just hugging. I smile and hug back. Soon everyone joins. Y/n has such great friends.


So that was depressing. And just to warn you. The next chapter will have rape in it just a warning before you start to read the chapter. Don't worry I'll make it short and the next chapter after that, Mark will have a plan to save you. Hurray! Well buh-bye!!

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