my only sunshine.

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dick pov

I only meet angel once.. she was a huge flirt. I did not like her. she was what most people would call a 'slut' but.. if she will help us get holly back, I can stand her. it has been two day form when this plan was made and wally is so worried.

~time skip don't hate me~

still dick's pov

me and wally do not trust angel so.. me and wally are going in to get back holly. as me and wally suit up wally shoot's me a smile.

"every thing is going to work out fine" I said hugging wally, he hugged back. I was not sure wally was going to be able to fight or me it was kind of a death meson but if we got back holly they would not be a cost to big, holly was not just wally's little girl but mine too.

"i know but... what if-" I cut off wally with my lip's on his, kissing him slowly. I pulled back looking in to his amazing eye's the same one's I fell for.

"no what if's, we well come out alive and with holly" I said holding into wally's smaller arm's. he smiled at me.

"i know" wally said as we finished up suiting up and get are weapon's ready, then we walked down stair's and there were avine and montie aka amy and jayson ready as we were, they gave us one look and angel came form no where standing there. we all head out to the place were they were keeping holly, it was in the middle of no where a huge blinding with people all around but this was one of the many meson's were we were going head on with them they did not really look that strong but who knows. I throw a smoke boom and it go's off, everyone head's in as the grad's coming running to the smoke, me and wally take out 3 grad's as they come in to the smoke. me and wally head on as angel, avine and montie stay behind to keep the grad's a bay. me and wally head into the huge blinding, seeing even more grad's, we start to fight them off as me and wally hear a sound it was yelling of a man and woman, I look back to see ell in a fight suit and mole too. they came up and started to fight of more grad's.

"wow funny seeing you here" I said as my back was to ell's and she was beating up a grad two hard blow's to his head.

"yeah, I know right?" ell mocked beating up a different grad. I throw a grad over ell then she punched him. me and wally head on as we see avine and montie come in and start to fight off the on coming grad's as  ell and mole fallowed me and wally up to the next floor which there was 5 of them I am guess Haylee's clone and drake at the top. as me and wally get to the 2nd floor we hear 3 braking window's it was Haylee, Heidi and hope in there fighting wear ready to kick some ass. as they came in so did grad's why are they so many? as me and wally start to punch are way threw them one of them as a knife and take's it to wally thigh. wally scream's out in pain as it cut deep in to his leg. I run up to that grad and kick him I the gut as ell come's over to wally and pull's him up and mole hold's him up so ell can look to his leg. ell did a fast rapping of his leg and then mole fought off anyone who came close to him, I walk up to wally as the girl's (Heidi, Haylee and hope) fight off more grad's.

"are you okay?" I asked wally, he looked in to my eye's with pain. it was so hard for me to stay strong when wally is in any pain at all.

"yeah I can walk" wally said I was so worried.

"are you sure?" I asked wanting to really know. wally laughed.

"i wouldn't tell you if I wasn't  able to" wally said and smiled.

wally's pov

it hurt really bad but I was only thinking of holly she is my baby girl, and if anything happens to her I cloud never forgive myself. I started to head to the next floor only me and dick then fighting off more grad's this harder to fight as they were stronger then the last one's, me and dick fought threw about 10 grad's before we got to the last floor, the 5 floor. I looked around seeing a stair case leading to a stage or something like one were, holly was tied to a chair and Haylee's clone and drake were. drake in a  black leather jacket and a white shirt under that, with dark blue jean's and to iron fit's on his hand's with his blonde long (guy long hair). Haylee's clone or she like's to be called 'jet' for whatever reason wearing a black full body suit with a hood and knee high boot's on, standing right by holly petting her head like someone would a dog's head. it made me so mad, but I did not want to jump on them and get holly hurt. 

"well, well, well did the tiger drag in for me to play with" jet said, almost making me want to shake. dick standing right by me, ready to fight her and drake. jet moved in front of holly and just stood there looking at us.

"nothing for you, we are here for holly" I said crossing my arm's. jet laughed at my word's mocking me. she crossed her arm's and came closer walking down the step's 6 feet away maybe.

"so.. you want the brat? only for a trade" jet said making me think of all the thing's she cloud be talking about. dick looked to me.

"what kind of trade... jet?" dick asked for me. jet laughed walking around back and froth.

"hmm?, ohh yes, you should know what I want.. I want my maker, I want the person I was cloned form I want to thank for... power, money, weapon's and all the fighter's I want, then.... I want to end her, painfully and slowly, so make the trade and you get the brat back.. in one pace, alive. you cant really say no to that" jet said, as she stopped dead in front of me and dick smirking like no other. I cloud not just give up Haylee she is family not a pace of my thing's.

"you want me here I am bicth!!" said a voice, it was Haylee's. then Haylee came down form the plank's that line the roof and hopped in front of jet punching her in the face, knoking her down on the floor where she started to beat jet roughly. drake at this time had ran out the side window got away on a jet pack. as soon as Haylee got down beat jet, I ran to holly and undid her, now holding her tight ti me.

"i thought I was g-going to d-die d-daddy" holly said in to my cheat as she cried. holly let go and I looked her up and down for cut's.

"did they hurt you at all?!?" I asked holly hopping they did no such thing to my little girl. holly shake's her head softly no. Haylee had got off jet and walked over to us looking at holly.

"is the kid okay?" Haylee asked with blood falling form her nose, it was not that much but it was there.

"y-ye-yeah I a-am f-fine..." holly said holding in to herself as she let go of me. dick grabbed Haylee's face and wiped her blood for her nose.

"don't scare me like that sis" dick said giving Haylee a fast hug. Haylee giggled a bit.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH" yelled a voice I cloud not believe my eye's.

dick's pov

I went to give a hug to holly but jet got up and came ruing at holly I block jet with my back but felt a fast, cut of pain in my back I had been stabbed by jet. I fell to the floor in pain I heard a loud yell before I got stabbed and it was ringing in my ear's. I i cloud see was a blur it was wally, his perfect face and red hair..

"you are my sun shine my only sun shine you make me happy when sky's are gray....." sang wally..

that was the last thing i cloud remember, before it all went white...


a/n yes that is the end but i will make a make called 'the rising' about all of there kid's and other super hero's kid's so yeah hope you liked it and have year's worth of cookie's till next time my  fighter's!! *hand's cookie's and play's (y/n) fav dubstep*

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