caring part 1

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wally's pov

I missed dick a lot (p.s. I'm using dick for robin now and he is now nightwing) I needed someone when he was gone and hope was there that is the only reason I think I loved her I still hope the best for her  it been two year's... two year well what I mean that is from when dick got free oh and the baby's are really doing good 3 girl's and 1 boy there names are tai, tare, opel and the boy is tokeyo hope is letting me see them and all she was very mad but she knew if dick was alive I would be with him they are all health and all two now and talking very well today I'm going to see holly in her dorm she has been doing very well in collage and brad is going there too and they are still together and really he is not to bad of a kid really he has respect for me, dick and holly I heard most boys at the collage she went to don't so I'm happy she is happy and has a good boyfriend who love's her and well keep her save. me and dick are still making up for lost time so we are going out on a date I mean me and dick we are headed to a fancy dining place we get there and we walk in and set down get drink's and start to talk

"so how was work this last week?" I asked dick he had got a job so had I as we both ate the rest of are food

"it was good and your's?" dick asked me I smiled

"good, didn't you say your boss was a ass?" I asked he laughed and smiled

"yeah really but, she is a boss so she is going to be what about yours huh?" dick asked I siped my 'facny beer'    

"what no, no, no, no, no, no, nooo umm she is kind of hand's-ie" I said he stated to laugh then stoped and looked at me

"really?" he said I blushed

"umm yeah" I said and tried to hide my face in my hand's then we both got up and walked out I still had my hand's on my face dick looked at me and pulled down my hand's form my face and I looked at him he smiled

"no matter what your boss say's about you or what anyone say's you amazing and handsome and everything I want to love" dick said I blushed I never blushed he put his hand on my face and kissed me I kiss back and we both got in the car and went home and got ready to go up to holly's dick is coming with me we both hop in and drive they it's not to  far we hop out and walk to her dorm and knok I hear..................... moan's oh god is my baby girl moaning?? I knok down the door to see........ brad recording a, a, 3 some? but no holly any were in there brad look's at me and walk's to me and start's to say something I hit him right in the face and he is out cold I shut the door leaving him in there dick look's at me funny

"what, what happened in there?" dick ask's me I think what to say and something come's out

"someonewasgetingitintheassandtherewasaandathisistoomuchbutnohollyandtherewasbardandohmygodand- sheisdatinghimwhydothingworkthiswayohmtgoodanyonehelpthisiswrong" I said all at once he gave a even funnier look like 'ummm what the hell did you just say??!!?'

"babe clam down okay it's fine now tell me slowly not in flash voice" dick said as he rubed my back

"well brad was recording a 3 way on holly's my holly's bed and she was not even there!!" I almost yelled dick pulled me in to a hug I hug back we both go set in the car and I call holly she pick's up

'hey what up?' she ask's me I sigh

'it me your dad and you have a very sick and dirty mind and darn right evil boyfriend!!' I said she sigh's like it was not even brad

'well dad brad and I are at the store we had to pick up some stuff and the person knoked out was brad's twin brancie and I did know that he was dirty minded but.... what did he do?' she asked I sighed it had seem that I was going to be doing that a lot

'he was shoting porn on your bed, in your room, in your dorm, that you worked for' said she gasped and I heard yelling from holly to brad

'okay dad I well be there soon love you bye bye' she said then hang up I wait in the car finely holly and brad came and I hoped out so did dick, holly and brad holly and brad walked up to me

"I'm so sorry sir" brad said holly hugged brad's arm

"look dad I never knew he was doing this me and brad just.. I mean, we just went to-" I cut off holly

"hey it's okay you had nothing to do with this" I said to her she was flushed and I could see how pissed was

"well brad stay out here well talk to your bother" she said and started to walk to the door brad grabher arm gently and looked at her she smiled a bet

"hey I can talk to him, he is my bother and I feel bad" brad said holly kissed his check and smiled

"i got this babe" she said he smiled at her and let her go I could tell she was mad just not showing it for brad and I am guessing me I hear yelling and thing or people or who know what hiting wall people talking and yelling till 3 people ran out not one of them brancie then I hear a big thud and hear I man's voice yell and then I see holly coming out with branice  by the ear I think that's my girl she walk's him all the way over to me and let's goi see brancie's eye's are a glowing light blue

"well brancie," she said and gave him a death stare 

"i am sorry" brancie said holly smaked him in the back of his head

"for what!" she hissed at him. he rubed the back of his neck

"sorry for making you think badly of my bother" brancie said then his eye's turned green wait was she 

"holly can we talk, alone?" I ask her she nod's and we walk to a park close by we sit down I see some kid's play on a swing

"were y-" I get cut off by holly

"dad I need to tell you something" she say's to me

"go ahead baby girl" I said she smile's and rub's her belly a tear fall's down her face

"dad I'm, I'm,... I'm going to have a baby" she said I gasp and I look at her she smile's at me and keep's rubing her tummy

"your, you mean your goi-" I say before holly cut's me off nodding

"yes, yes" she said I hug her she hug's back I look at her

"dose brad know?" I ask her she noded's no

"no I have not told him yet" she said I wipe her tear away

"why not?" I ask her

"I'm not sure who it is" she said and looked down wait

"what you mean you cheated on brad??!" I ask her she shake's her head no

" I didn't tell you this but me and brad broke up for a little bet now we are together but... I'm just not sure" she said I feel how bad she feel's about this it's like if she could she would turn back time but cant not

"so what did you want to talk about dad?" she asked me I didn't care anymore. but I felt a little bad for brad never did I really think of him as a dad and even if it is his will he want to be a dad I didn't know about holly but she is one of the best part's of my life now.

"nothing just wanted to see how you were" I said she smiled I hug her she hugged back we both walked back and we here yell........................................

dun dun dunhhhhh what next well you well see soon love you guy's bye

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