letting go and move forwrad's

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Jamie's pov (omg what is in a 3 year's mind hope this dose not suck)

I hear some one yell, it's daddy. I hear a one more yell before I see mommy run by my door. she dose not know I am awake. but I don't think daddy is okay. I have to help daddy. I grab one of mommy's hidden knife. mommy dose not know I know where that is, and that is a good thing. it's a butterfly knife mommy has a lot around the house. I throw it over at my back pack, and start to swing my leg over then I get it over and my other one too. I hop down and grab a water bottle that is full and put the knife in my back pack. I walk down the stair's and grab the house phone put it in my back pack. then I grab the gun mommy said she is going to give me when I turn 13 and put in in my holster. mommy told me how to use a gun, but she dose not know I read her fight and shooting book's. I a mask mommy made for me(the mask up there). mommy said only to use it if I had too, and I know how ever was trying to hurt daddy was trying to hurt my mommy too. and I have a feeling they are not going to stop. I put it on and run out the front door and fellow the blood till I see some kind of beast running form roof top to roof top. it was all black and ugly. it dose not see me. I run even faster and see mommy holding daddy running.

"AMY, AMY LOOK OUT" I yelled not wanting what ever thing that is knowing that I am family to her. she look's back at me then to the beast she pull's out her throwing knife's and put's some in it till it fall over. mommy stop's run and look's at me, she knew it was me. she moved her free hand down to my face and pulled the mask off and looked at my face. she was so blank, her look at me. she put her hand on my face.

"you really are a walker" she said happily. I smiled at mommy.

" /tazi" daddy said mommy pulled my mask back down and started to run again and looked back at me.

"GO TO AUNT HAYLEE'S PLACE, I LOVE YOU" mommy yelled. I cloud feel tear's running down my face.

"i cant be a kid any more" I wisped to myself. then wiped my tear's away. pulled off my mask and put it in my back pack as with the gun and started to walk to Haylee's, soon it was getting dark I kept walking till I see a green light coming to me. I start to walk faster till I am running but still so far form Haylee's. soon I feel it, but it was not a monster it was a man in s suit the kind super hero's were. he was glowing green and smiling at me. I don't know about this guy I pull out my butterfly knife and back up slowly.

"stay w-where you are, and you d-don't get kinfed" I said as most fearlessly. he looked at me funny.

"aren't you a bit young to be having one of those" he said point at my knife.

"no, my mom learned when she was 6" I said. he came closer to me. I pointed it right at him. he put his hand's up.

"and how old are you?" he asked me.

"3, and you?" I asked he laughed.

"you are 3 year's old and you know how to use a knife" he said.

"yeah, and if you don't believe me I can show you" I said looking him dead in the eye's.

"no thanks kid, but where is your mom and dad?" he asked. I was going to lie, duh.

"they are on a trip" I said. he came closer me to again. me still holding the knife in the air pointed to him.

"well then why are you out here?" he asked I sighed.

"i was heading to my aunt's when you came along and I would have been they by now if it weren't for you!" I said mad as I cloud.

"well then let me take you there" he said "you can till I am a good guy not a bad one" he said. he did look friendly but I still was not sure.

"fine but If my aunt asks you want to know where the café was" I said he nodded at me.

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